1999-2000 Yearbook

Who's Who r~cognizes 63 seniors for academic excellence, leadership Each year the facu lty members ofHardingUniversiryselecta group of seniors who have excelled in a wide variety of areas during thei r college years. The elected students receive recognition in the nationa l organization, Who 's Who Among Students in American Universicies and Colleges. This year, 63 students were chosen based on their leadership and academic accomplishments as well as theirservice ro theUnivers ity and the community. "It's a huge honor to be chosen among such a good group of the senior student body," Jasmine Flagg said. "Being chosen makes me feel like I'm makingsome kindofimpacr on my professors." During t he fa ll semes t er, professors nom inated students whom rhey believed exemplified excellence - academically, socially and spiricually. After all nominati ons were submitted, the faculty selecred their top choices fo rmeWho'sWho honor. ''I'm proud co know that my teachers respect me enough co give me a nominaoon," MarkMcMasters said. Matthew Dabbs said he was nominared by one ofhis psychology professors. "The psychology facu lty really see a future in their students and they tIl' to build us up and put value onwharwedo," Dabbssaid. "People need an outside push. Who's Who helps give an overall picture of a person and encourages orner people to pursue excellent things." Kim Kell agreed. "Being chosen is an incredible honor," she said. "Because the teachers chose the students, it wasn'ta popularity vote. !r's a higher quality [rhan if my peers elected me]." T he recip ients oftheWho'sWho award also received recognition in a Brian Schwieger. senior. spends time studying in his dorm room. Who's Who Among Students in American Un iversit ies and Colleges suove to recognize swdems like Schwieger who dedicated significant time to thei r education as well as to leadership opportunities. national publication that compiles all the se lected students for the academic year. The students who were selected have excell ed in many activities- both within their major and extracurricularly as well. The accumulation of th ese accomplishments is the foundation for such honors as Who 's Who. ''I'm amazed at how God has blessed my li fe by giving me an opportuni ty to be involved in so many activities," Kell said. Catherine Wiles Rachel C. W ilson James Al len Wiser Jennifer Wood Tiffany Yecke - Rachel Wi lson Sarah Prewitt Sarab Randolph Tamara Reese Martin Rowe Amber Sawyer C heri Scharff Brian Schwiege r Lovie Sellers Serh Sellers Mary Sewell Susan Shirel Elizaberh Smirh Andrew Sowards Mona Trickey Ben Walker Jodie Walrers Zac Watson Reagan Weaver Who's Who 271