S.A. officers, representatives attend fall retreat, serve as liaisons between students, administration Wh en an eve nt was planned on the Harding University campu s, chances were the Student Association (S.A.) was involved. The S.A. was a parr of almost every aspect ofcampus life - from (he vari0us entertainment throughout the semester to [he numerous service projects it sponsored. One major goal of the S.A. was to promote the spirit of Harding University, according to Jasmine Flagg, S.A. vice presidenL Flagg said the three years she has spent as a member of the S.A. has made an impact on her life. "Being a part of the S.A. has made me think about my priorities and who should be first in my li fe," Flagg said. "Its also taught me how to adapt to di ffe renrsituat ions while being a strong leader." In an effof( to become better leaders, the S.A. participated in a retreat last fall where they discussed goals fo r the year. Speakers at the retreat included President David Burks and Dr. Delores Carson, assistant vice president for student services . "It [the recceat] was a big help to me because I could see who needed to be in charge of the differen t S.A. proj ects," Brian Bush, president, said. The S.A. officers and representatives kept in touch with the students they served through weekly meetIngs. . "We met each week and did not leave until we worked through whatever problem we were facing at tha t pa rti cular meeting," Flagg said. The S.A. spent much of their tenure planning the various service projects for the student body to parricipate in. The three major projects theS.A. sponso red during the year were Rudolph to Romania, the Inner City Carnival and rel ieffor the victims of Hurricane Floyd. TheS.A. sponsored the Rudolph to Romani a project during the first part of the fa ll semester. The project asked members of the student body to fi ll shoe boxsize containers with toiletries, small gifts or food for orphaned children in Romania who would nOt otherwise have a Christmas gift. "Wewere real ly pleased with the amount of boxes we had," Bush said. The S.A. held the Inner City Carnival for children in downtown .' Little Rock in November. Children were treated to a variety of games, rides and food at the carn ival and were given an assorrment of free toiletry items as well . The S.A. also joined a community-wide relief effort for the people of the Carolinas who were in need after being hi t by Hurricane Floyd in September. "I definitely think the proj ects promote student involvement and giving," Flagg said. "It 's really great to be a parr of this." - Sarah T erty - Ryan Cook Student Association " Being a partofthe S.A. [SrudentAssociation] has made me think about my priorities and who should be first in my Hfe. " Jasmine Flagg. vice president Jim MiJler, director of student activities, discusses upcomi ng campus activities with Russ Phillips and KimHobbs, sophomores, and Matt Milligan, junior. Milligan and Hobbs served as the Student Activities Committee (S.A.c.) chairmen during the year. Association 269