Emily Clevenger, junior, discus~es the Special Olympics during aStudent Council for Exceptional Children meet· ing in the American Studies building. The group of futu re educators helped organize the annual Olympics in the Spring. Klynt Brice, junior, signs the volumeer list for the Special O lympics. The Student Council for Excep. tional for Children asked education majors to help cheer for athletes, referee games and assist in serving lunch at the Olympics. Emily Clevenger, senior, and Dr. Jan Morgan, sponsor of the Student Council for Exceptional Children, discuss the agenda during one of the organizations meet· ings. The Student Council for Exceprional Children provided an opportuniry for education majors to discuss laws and practices in the field of special education. Katie Lawson , graduate, hands a new member ofKappa Delta Pi her membership certificate. Education majors must have a CPA of 3.0 or higher on 60 or more hours co be eligible for the honor sociery. Education 267