1999-2000 Yearbook

Pholo by JWl in Bunon Anne Thomas helps several studenrs figure out the best places {O visit while spending their day in Florence. Thomas is a Harding graduate who was employed by the Universi[}' to assist in daily operations of the villa and the group's tours. Bob Co rbin . faculty sponsor. and a group of studenrs stand in front of the Duomo. The dome is the most famous landmark in Florence and is recognized around the world for its architectural magnificence and beau[}'. RobbieShackelford, director ofHarding University in Florence (HUF), hikes up the hill leading to the Piazzale Michelangelo with Erin Rembleski, junior, and Joy Madlaing, senior. Walking uphill was a common practice of HUF participants since Florence is located in the hills of Tuscany. Studenrs visit the San Lorenzo market located near the Duomo in Florence to buysouvenirs for loved ones back home. The market. wh ich is known for its flavo r of Florentine culture. became a favorite SpOt for Harding University in Florence (HUF) participants. Pho.o bY}U$lin Burton International Studies 23