1999-2000 Yearbook

Scon Parker. junior. talks with students in the Sears Honors House. The house offered students a place to study and meet with friends. I'holo by Mark Kmonen Stephanie G iesemann and Tara Scruggs, fres hmen, enjoy "Chil i Thursday" at the Sears Honors House. Every week. staff members in the Honors College served homemade chili for lunch to members of the Honors Association. TiffanyYecke. senior. and T ricia Sterling. junio r, socialize arrera devotional in the Sears Honors House. The Honors Association offered many opportunities throughout the year for honors students to fellowship. 264 Organizations Rich Little. assis tant to the presidem. and Dr. Larry Long. dean ofthe Honors College. discuss the devotional that Little gave to members of the Honors Association. last fall. The Honors Association held numerous devotionals throughout the year for the purposes ofworshiping God and encouraging each other.