1999-2000 Yearbook

Debate -Team switches to parliamentary format; procedu re aIlows for more creativity, sponsor says DebateTeam Although they may rai se their voices, the twelve members of the debate team are not making .harmony in the Reynolds Center. Well read on a variety of subjects, the Debate ream members met twice a week to prepare for compet itions where, upon arrival, they were assigned a topic and given fifteen minmes (Q prepare an eight minute speech. Debate helps develop communication slcills that are especially important for aspiring lawyers and those entering fields that require oral presentations. according co Eryn Tribble. sen ior. "Debate can help anybody," she said. "You will always have co communicate and point out your view to other people, un less, of course, you live alone in the wilderness ." Tribbl e has found that if she is will ing [0 try co understand the opposing side, they will be more willing to listen to her point of view. "In one of my first debates 1 had to support genetic engi neering, and it was difficult to separate my feelings from the argument," Tribble said. This year the Debate team switched from the research intensive C.E.D.A. format to parliamentary format, which deals with philosophi ca l and current-event policy topics, defended and supported with value-based arguments. One advantage of parl iamentary. debate is its fl exibili ty, according to Tribble. "C.E.D.A. is very clear cut, and the evidence says whe ther you win or lose, but in parli, you just have to be rational and convince people through your reasoning," Tribble said. Dr. Pat Garner, sponsor, supports the new format because it is less time consuming on campus and allows for more creativity in arguments. Garner coaches the team through its September to March season with most of the tOurnaments falling in OctOber,January and February. "I enjoy coaching debate because it is mentally stimulati ng and fosters critical thinking and analyti cal ability on an interco llegiate level like noth ing else," Garner said. -Jamie Lockwood 262 Organizations , J .A. Wiser and Sarah Prewitt, seniors, discuss plans for Omicron Del ta Kappa. Members ofthe organization host a leadership sem inar each spring wh ich acts as an open for um for student leaders to learn from campus and communi ty leaders.