1999-2000 Yearbook

Society Hosts Youth Art Show, Unites Artists Abroad Kappa Pi is not a soc ial cl ub, bu t an honorary society fo r a se lec t few. Due to the requ irement of a compl etio n of 12 hours in art, mos t members of Kappa Pi are upperclassmen. To earn a degree in art at Harding, st ud ents must COffi - p l er~ berween 37 and 64 hours of a rt courses, depending on t heir spec ific major. Art majors must also put togeth er a seni o r art show fo r di splay in the art building sometime during their sen ior yea r. A few othe r requirements include main tai nin g a 3.5 G.P.A. in a rt , wh ich must be one's major to be co nsidered fo r thi s umque gro up. " I'm invo lved in Kappa Pi because it is an opportunity to be pan of an inter na tional organ iza tion with recogn ition in the a rt fi eld," E ri c Schwieter, presidenr of Kappa Pi , sa id. He sa id he began drawing at a youn g age a nd has co ntinued srudyi ng in rhe fi eld of an because he sai d he wan t ed to enjoy hi s ca reer. Schwiet er said he plans to follow his major and begin a career in graphi c d esign when he leaves Hardi ng. Although this is hi s main area of s tudy, Schwieter also paints and dr aws, which he sa id has given him great expe ri ence in an that wi ll 0.0 doubt be useful in t he future. Another Kappa Pi member is . Dr. John Keller , chair o f rhe an department. Inducred in 1970 , Keller is now a professor in the art depar tment and an active member in Kappa Pi. He enj oys bot h painting an d t each ing equall y, and said there can be no sepa rati on between the two. Ke ll er also voca lized h is opi nion on t he link between unusua l an and skil l. "Ther e is nothing better about 'unusua l ' as opposed to rechnical ski ll ," Keller sa id. "Today, whoever has the most unusua l [art] gets the prize and pure technical abi l ity becomes mono[Onous. There needs [0 b'e a good balance between the two ." Keller joined ocher active Kappa Pi members in one of t hei r annual act ivi ties. In hopes to encourage art in rhe yourh of raday, Kappa Pi sponso red t he W hit e County High Schoo l art show, Ma rch 5 -17. .' The show displayed rhe artwo rk of local high school sr udents and gave t he scud ents a chance to publ ici ze [heir work alo ngsi d e t he work o f t hei r friends. It was a chance to express their innermos t tho ughts and feelin gs and t o share ch ern wit h orhers, according to Keller. Perhaps th rough this oppor- [unity for arti sti c expression, Kappa Pi will help yo urh in rhe Searcy area find their own creative ni che . - Kr istin Marie Philemonof - Shauna Lee Kappa Pi " J"m involved in Kappa Pi because it is an opportunity to be part of an international organization with recognition in the art field , " Eric Schwieter. senior C indy Delahunc, sen ior, sketches a drawing on a pad during class. DelahuJ1( is a member of Kappa Pi, an honors organization for an students. Art 261