1999-2000 Yearbook

Christie Shockleyand Mel issaWasham, juniors, listen intently at a Student Speech and HearingAssociat ion (SSHA) meeting. To be a member ofSSHA, students had to have declared Speech Therapy as a major and have had a GPA of2.0 or higher. Nicci Staples, sen ior, laughs at a comment during a Student Speech and Hearing Association (SSHA) meeti ng. T he purpose of the group was to become aware of the current issues and advancements in the fields of Speech Pathology and Audiology. . . PhOTO by Sara Koehler Jason Middlekauff, senior, relaxes and soaks up the sun in Ernst Hemingway's bathtub. Sigma Tau Delta, an English honor society, visi ted the author 's house on a field trip. ~ Ashley Short and Jason Middlekauff, seniors, take a look out of a window from ~ within Ernst Hemingway's house. T he English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta, ~ strove to provide cultural stimulation for its members. ~ Communications 255