For Film·Studies Association, Fridavs mean movies Harding Film Studies Association The lights dim and the room becomes black. A second passes, then twO, and suddenly the screen comes to life with pictures and sound. 254 This scene was a cypical Friday night of fun for the members of the Hatding Un iversity Film Studies Association. Guided by Dr. Ken Hammes. sponsor, (he group met weekly to watch and analyze films. "The Film Studies Association tries to choose movies according to how many people have seen the movie and what kind of inceresr there is in watching it," N ick Boone, presidenc, said. This year the movies covered a wide variety of genres. The Maltese Falcon (194 1), Psycho (1960), and East o/Eden (1955) were just a few of the films on the Film Studies' "to watch" lise "It [Film Studies] is a fun th ing to do for people who like co watch movies," Boone said. "It 's an inexpensive way to watch movies and also provides an avenue to express your opinions of them. ' 'I'm a fan ofmovies thata 10[ of people haven ' t had exposure to. " Prior to the movie, the group briefly discussed their prior knowledge of the film. During the movie, members took notes on possi ble discussion topics. According to Boone, conversation after the movie ranged from the technical aspects of the movie, such as the cinematography, to more simple parts of the film. . The group also discussed [he more general points of interest. Thi s would include the plot and characters. Members talked about characte r development and what they thoughtabour the Story line. They might discuss why they think the film had endured as a classic. "I get a lot ofd ifferent things out ofthe discussion, " Boone said. Harding Film Studies Association was founded seven years ago by rwo seniors who were interes ted in studying classic movies. Some of the past films the group has viewed included The Seventh Seal and Citizen Kane. -Sarah Terry Organizations / Photo by Mark Kinon(n Godmund Schick, sophomore, watches intendy during a Friday night film viewing. The Harding Film Srudies Association was open to all students who were interested in viewing classical films and cri tiquing them. Harding Film Studies met every Friday night at 7 p.m. to watch a genre fi lm and discuss issues including plot lines, character development and cinematography.