Business club members organize Pizza War, raise money for Muscular Dystrophy Association at Bison basketball game Photo oy Mark Kinonen Jenny Smith, sophomore, helps herself to a piece of pizza during the Pizza War, sponsored by Pi Sigma Eps ilon, duri ng a home basketball game in [he sp ring. Pizza Inn, Pizza Hut and Aramark competed for the best pizza while helping raise money for the Muscu lar Dystrophy Association. " It [the Pizza War] gave us [Pi Sigma Epsilon members] good experience in evenr planning and related tasks," Troy Foxwell , president, said. Pi Sigma Epsilon W irh al l ofthe uncen ainties that college students face as they near graduation, probably the most frightening [0 srudems is how to get the job that is best for them. For business students, Pi Sigma Epsilon was a great advantage for both those preparin.g (Q graduate as well as those who had the majority of their college careers ahead of [hem. Pi Sigma Epsilon is a national business and marketing organization that provides business majors with ways [0 apply skills, compete in compet iti o ns a nd make contacts with profess io n als in t h e workplace. Oneofthe more popular events hosted by Pi Sigma Eps ilon was the Pizza War , which tOok place during the Bison and Lady Bison basketball season [Q raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, according to Troy Foxwell, president of Pi Sigma Eps ilon. "We've had a great deal ofsllccesswith the Pizza War," Foxwell said. "The students were very responsive to our efforts and it gave us good experience in event planning and related tasks. " Many new members to che fracem iry, like Summer Johnson, junior, said they are looking forward to what Pi Sigma Epsilon has to offer them during their college careers. "We were invited to several dinners hosted by various businesses where there were speakers d iscussi ng issues relevant to business majors ," Johnson said. FoX\vell noted the importance of nerworking that came as a result of being a member of the frat erni ty. H arding's chapter ofPi Sigma Epsilon has been na[ional ly ranked and placed exceptionally well in past competitions, according to Johnson. "AI[hou gh I have n 't had [he o pportunity to parti c ipat e in the competit ions yet , I look forwa rd to whatever experiences I can gain from them, " she said. Every year Pi Sigma Epsilon grows and thrives as an asset to business majors at Harding. By help ingscudents co gai n [he experience, Pi Sigma Epsilon shed light on many of the uncertaimies that students once had . - Bryan Jobe Business 249