1999-2000 Yearbook

Nursing-students make contacts through Sigma Theta Tau; sponsor holds high expectations for members Sigma Theta Tau 246 To become a member of the Sigma Thera Tau (STT) Inrernari onal N ursing Society, one must live up to the highest of standards. Perhaps the most stringent of these qualifications is hard work and an urmoS[ dedi cation (Q (he field of nursing. "To even be considered for SIT, one must have demonstrated excell ence in a specifi c aspect of nursing," said Jackie Harris, president of the Harding Chapter of Epsilon Omicron. Epsi lon Omicron is a sub chapter of STT and makes its headquarte rs on Harding University's campus. Eps ilon Omicron was charcered in 1982 and has served as an invaluable aid co many of its 200 members, accord ing to Harris. "One of the greatest atrribmes ofSIT is that it creates a network of open line communication where you can contact anyonewithin the organization," she said. The infrastructure of STT consists of an abundance of prestigious members. All such members faU within the confines ofa p a rticular as pect of nur s ing. Communication berween people of this status has led to invaluable advances within the field of nursi ng, according to Vicky Dahlem, an active STT member. " It 's a good organization pertaining to the future of nursing," Dahlem said. Selection into STI does nOt come easy. Nurs ing students must carry a minimum 3 .0 GPA and fall wirhin rhe rap 35. % of their class, within their major. Harris said status for recognition by SIT is closely monitored. "With all other nursing majors, we keep close track ofeach student's status," she said. Members ofEpsi lon Omicron met one or rwo times per semester. Members also received informative newsletters which updated them on the occurrences within SIT. In addition, a quarre riy was sent to all STT members, and rhe developmenr of an Internet site served great significance, according to Harris. Bei ng selected as a member ofSTT is a great honor and is only achieved through hard work and a consistent display of integrity, Harris said. Few achieve such status, but those who rece ive membership benefit greatly. -AlanSeim Organizations Toni Spears, a nursing graduare student, receives a pin du ri ng an induction ceremony that identifies her as a new member ofSigma Theta Tau, an intern at ional nursingsociety. Harding's chapter ofSigmaTheta Tau , Eps ilon Omicron, recogn ized superior achievement and leadership quali ties in the School of Nu rsing.