1999-2000 Yearbook

JOY members promote 'Jesus, Others, Yourself' "T 0 enco ur age and maintain an intellectual, practical and spiritual attitude fo r H ard ing women to develop in Christi an service and fellowship" - this is JOY club. Th e Hardin g U niversity women'sJOY club was introduced and estab lished nearly 25 years ago. T he name is an acronym that scands for "J esus first , ot hers second , yourself last," according to Theresa Boyd. t reas urer. She said the organization was formed in an effort to uni te the women of H arding University in se rvice to each other and the community. "JOY helps a vati ety of people, offering many opportunities to serve," she said. The organization's infrastructure consisted offouc separate subcommi ttees, which included a Spi ritu al Life Commi tt ee, Suns hin e School Commi ttee, Elderly Committee and a Children Committee. Dr. Sherry Pollard, sponsor, Photo by MyCl H:l.ynes said each branch was devoted to i ts own specific aspec t s of servitude. "Having four separate commirrees broadens the club 's outreach to the community," she said. The Spiritual Life Commi rree's responsibilities included holding devotionals in the dorms, having multip le prayer breakfasts throughout each semester and assisti ng in the organ ization 's annual spring retreaL "One of the most rewarding as pects of the Spiri t ual Life Committee is the prayer breakfasts and the spring retreat," Lauren Moze, spiritual life committee chairperson, said. One of th e numerous contributio ns of the Sunshine School Commirree was working with d eve lopmen ta ll y and physically handicapped individuals. The Elderly Committee took the responsibility of visiting nursing homes and assisting the el derly in whatever service ofwhich they were in need. The Chi ld ren 's Committee se rved th e you th of th e commUnIty. An Easter egg hUn[ and trips to the m0vies were just two of the several examples of se rvice that th e C hildren's Comm ittee provided, according to Danerre Gibbs, sophomore. "I feel that one of the greatest aspects of our committee is getti ng to spend time with the kids and having fun with them in the ptocess ," Gibbs said. Asi de from its constan[ efforts' to se rve Christ and others, JOY held events wh ich were establi shed to strengthen one ano ther. "O u r women can feel a camaraderie with fellow members," Pollard said . "There is a real strength and special bond in which JOY members share." Wi th a passion for Christ and a compassion for peop le , Poll ard said the JOY club continued its uncompromi sing effo rts to serve throughout the year. "As long as we have Christian women, we' ll have JOY," Pollard sa id. -Alan Seim " JOY Club I feel that one of the greatest aspects of our committee is getting to spend time Ulith the kids and having fun Ulith them in the process. " Danerre Gibbs. sophomore Alison Lester, junior, and Robyn MacKenzie, senior, peer intendy at a sign-up list du ring a C ircleK meeting. Theorganization focused on community se rvice projects. Service Clubs 245