1999-2000 Yearbook

David Mohundro, Circle·K membe r, gives a devo· tional thought during one of the group's meetings. Circle-KofFered avarietyofways for studen ts (0 serve the community during the school year, incl uding a Halloween rrick·or·treat canned food drive. J Phoro by Myca Haynes , .. James Henly, sophomore, leads singing during a Circle-K meet ing. Henly said the meetings during the year brought members closer together, as did the numerous service projects and group functions. Melinda Conlin , sen ior. paints a chi ld's face during the Social Work Club Harvest i Festival. The Social Work Club allowed its members the opportunity to become :,;: involved in the commun ity. 244 Organizations A volunteer helps a ch ild with me ring toSS during the SocialWork Club Harvest Fesrival, lasr fall. T he festival, sponso red by the Social Work Club, was a trick·or· treating alternative for the youth of the Searcy area.