University Chorus takes singing on the road, into the world " Chorus We are a family. We all can go to one another at any time. That is the greatest thing about the people in the Chorus. " Becky Henson, senior Members of the Harding Uni· versiry Chorus rehearse during one of their scheduled practice times. The Chorus traveled ex· tensiveiy during (he yea r. using their taJents to evangelize. 242 Organizations A passion for music, a love for God and deep fri endships are thefoundaaon on which the H arding University Chorus stands. The 70 member choral group, under the direction of Dr. Cliff Ganus, III , has a diverse repercoire containing both sacred and secular music. Ganus has directed the Chorus for 32 years. Everyyear the ensemble performs in numerous schools, churches and communities across the conti nental United States. In addition , the group performs an annual conce rt with the Searcy High School and HardingAcademy choruses . This year they sa ng selections from the Messiah. During Christmas vacation, the Chorus [Oured various pans of the United States performing numerous concens for a host ofcongregations and organizations. The Chorus traveled to Ark., Colo., Kan. and Okla. and sang at more than ten locations. "One of the gteat things about the tours was getting [0 know the people in the churches we visited, " Carla McCarty, senior, said. Besides singing in Searcy and across the nation , the group also had the opportunity to singoverseas. In fact, one ofthe distinguishing features that separates the Chorus from Harding' s other musical ensembles is the group's extensive international travel itinerary. Pete Vann, vice president of Chorus, said the group traveled to other countries to encourage the churches and perform in the [Owns and schools. The Chorus toured thro ughout Australia, Canada, Europe, Finland, Jamai ca, New Zealand, Russia and the Ukraine. "These extended [Ours are the most special [times in Chorus] because we spend so much time with each other," Vann said. "We ge t to see how much C horus encourages people on a day to day basis." The Chorus, however, is uni ted in perfect harmony that reaches far beyond natural musical tal ent, according [0 McCarty. She said the group is bonded in friendships which tie the group together. "I have becomesuch good friends with everyone around me, " she said. "We are a fami ly," Becky Henson, senior, said. "We all can go [0 one another at any time. That is the greates[ thing about the people in the Chorus." Perhaps the reason the group was so tightly knit was because of Ganus' leadership and involvement with the chorus members. His interaction with them went beyond the classroom and concert settings. EveryWednesday evening he led a Bible study in his home for the members and was involved in their lives on a personal basis that earned him deep respect from the group. "Dr. Ganus is li ke a dad to all of us," McCarty said. "He made us work, but he made it a lot of fun , [00." "They encourage us and we know we can call on them at any time," Henson said. The Chorus experience, like so many aspects of Harding, holds many fond memories for its members. -Rachel Wilson