1999-2000 Yearbook

Pep Band generates excitement in Rhodes, intimidates opposing players with music Pep Band Michael Lucich, freshman member of the Pep Band, plays his saxophone during a home basketball game. The Pep Band added extra school spirit to home games and helped the "Rhodes Rowdies" cheer the Bisons to victory. An orange ball . zebra striped shins, 10 sweaty guys and a hoop. Of course, these are all things [hat are usually found at a basketball game. A horn, sheer music, swinging tuba players and a direcwr. All ofthese things can usually be found at a football game. Buttheywerealso befoundat Harding University basketball games. The Harding Pep Band could be found playing famil iar upbeat tunes ro get the "Rhodes Rowdies" stirred up at each of the Bisons' baske tball home games. Along with performing at each of Harding's home men's basketball games, the Pep Band was also a vital part of the Midnight Madness celebration in OCtOber, which kicked off the basketball season. This year [he band, which consists of about 20 musicians, was under rhe codirection of David Luchich and Jeff Rymer, senior music majors. Although the band is comprised of and directed by students, the group is advised by Mike Chance, assistant professor of music. He also directed the T hundering Heard Marching Band. Like many members of the Pep Band, Ben Srewart, junior music major, said he decided to join in order to spend more rime with friends. Srewart, who plays rhe french horn, has been a member of rhe Pep Band for [wo years. "1 chose to be in the Pep Band to bener acquaint myself wirh my fe llow musicians," Srewart said. Duringrhe baskerball season, Harding was widely rhoughr to have one of [he best home-court advantages in Division II. The Pep Band undoubtedly played a parr in providing an armosphere which opponents did nor wam to play. So nexr year, when you go to rhe Rhodes Memorial Field House for a Bison baskerball game and hear rhose runes rhat get you moving on your feet, remember the students who make all thar music possible - rhe Harding Pep Band. -Eric Barnes Bands and Music 241