1999-2000 Yearbook

Orchestra provides variety, entertainment Harding University Orchestra The Harding University Orchestra performed severa l times throughout the year to a variety of aud iences. This year their performance schedul e included the Homecomi ng musica l, Seven Bridesfor Seven Brothers, a Christmas performance of Messiah and a fall and spring conce rt on campus. The fa ll concen featured Dr. Scon Carrell , assistant professor of music. as trumpet soloist in the Brandenburg Conce rtos #1 and #2 by Bach. One of the many unique aspens of the orches tra is its variat ion with each performance. according [0 Susan Scumne, junior. Because H arding does not have many of the string players that help characterize an orches tra , Chance invited members of the communi ty and the Searcy Youth Orchestra to perform with Harding students. "Bringing in the kids from the youth orches tra gave them a great experience by allowing them to work with the college scudents." 5cumne said. " It taught them the disci pline of performing with an older group of musici ans." Perhaps the favorite performance for the members was the annua l H omecoming musica l. "Musicals are so much fun ," 5cumne said. "The actors and music ians depend on each other to make the program success ful. " . The group began rehearsing for the musical at the oeginning of the fall semester. "During the dress rehea rsals for the musical, we were sometimes in the [o rchestra] pit for more than six hours at a t ime," Tricia Sterling, sophomore, said. "For one rehea rsal. we all wore pajama pants and broughr teddy bears. We had lots of fun rehearsing in the pit. " No matter what the orches tra was doing - whether they were practicing or performing - 5cumne sa id they always looked to Chance for leadership. "Mr. Chance is a very good director ," 5cumne sa id. "He is good at interpreting the music and putS a lot of rime into scudying [the scores] . Even when he was critiquing us, he was encouraging. '" - Rachel Wilson 238 Organizations PholO by M~rk Kioootn Mitch Terlis ner, senior, plays the string bass during a Hard ing Un iversity Orchesua practice. The Orchestra perfo rmed at the Homecoming Mus ical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. and held a Ch ristmas performance of Messiah.