1999-2000 Yearbook

Bible-rel.ated majors find support in Alpha Ch i Malac hi " Alpha Chi Malachi The meetings bring the Bible majors together. Theil give us resources . information and encouragement to do whatever we are called to do. " Rob O·lynn. junior Alan HoweU and Travis Gable, seniors. listen as a lecturer presents a speech in an Alpha Chi Malachi meeting. The group of Bible majors mer rwice a month. 234 Organizations A high priest, a priest and a scribe preside over the bimonthly assemblies ofthe Alpha Chi Malachi organization. Th is is not a gathering of monks o r Israelites, though. It is an organizarion designed for Bible majors. The meetings featured guest speakers and panels who present lessons and lectures on a variety of biblical and spiritual copies. Speakers and topics were chosen by the officers and Dr. Ken Neller, sponsor. The theme of each week's garhering varied widely. For example. representatives from the HardingUniversityGraduate School of Rel igion (HUGSR) m ight speak one week and the next week a professor might lecmre on Jewish his tory. Bob Logsdon. sen ior. recalls a presentation about Armageddon given by Dr. Ed Myers, professor of Bi ble. "He talked about a lor of stuffJ had never heard before," Logsdon said. "He explained it well." Common fellowship was anomer benefit of AX. Malachi. according to Rob O'Lynn. priest o r vice president. "The meetings bring [he Bible majors together," he said. "They give us resources, information and encouragement to do whateve r we are called to do. " A variety of majors are represented from [he College of Bible and Religion . Students study fields including Missions. Religious Education, Youth Mi nistry, Bible, Biblical Languages and Women's Ministry. .' Students in the School of Biblical Smdies also participated in the iecmres. The lecture topics were designed to be of interes t to all aspects of the departmen r. "The meetings provide us with an opportun iry to learn more about areas that we are weak in," Logsdon said. "We have the opportuni[), to ask questions of people who are more knowledgeable and who have more wisdom. " In addition to meeting (\yice a month, AX. Malachi members part icipated in service projects and other activities outs ide of the formal meeting time. For one service project, the members raised money to buy batteries for smoke detectors. Then they replaced old batteries and checked the detectors for elderly citizens in the communi[),. Another of the organization's events was the annual BibleMajo rs' Retreat, held in October at Camp Tahkodah. Gneofthis year's keynote speakerswas Dr. Everett Huffard, dean of Graduate School of Religion in Memphis. Dr. David Bland, professor of Homiletics at the graduate school, also presented a series of lessons designed to motivate and challenge the participants. "The organ ization is a neat way to get to know professors and also find out what my peers are interes ted in, " Logsdon said. "Through the activities ofAlpha Chi Malachi, J learned things that wi ll help me be a better minister," O'Lynn said. - Rachel Wilson PhOto by Daniel Dubois