1999-2000 Yearbook

Organizations / Students prepare for future career challenges Challenges make one stronger and prepare one for rhe next curve in the road oflife. The beauty of life is that one might see this curve in the road, but may not know what lies around the bend. Hardi~g brings people together from all walks of life and challenges them to work with each other to achieve common goals. Above: Cory Edwards. junior, Rob Daniel and AJex Wells. sophomores, listen {O a presentation by Dr. Dale Manor, professor of Bible, during a meeting of the Society of Near Eastern Archaeology. Left: Gene Bates. Susan Waller, Tricia Sterling, Trey Thompson, sophomores, and Shawn O'Brien, junior, play their clari nets duri nga performance oftheThundering Herd, Hardi ng's marching band. No matter where one is from, organizations on campus provide a place for everyone. Bridges are built and friendships are forged as students work together in their organizations to accomplish specific goals. "Organizatiom help students prepare for their foture by providing valuable experzence In career fields. " Service clubs, drama groups and honor societies are just a few types of organizations students have the opportunity to join. In these organizations, students participate in a variety of activities that help rhem prepare for their futures by providing valuable experiences in career fields. Many students find that organizations offer a chance to build their character. Through service, creativity and personal growrh students achieve a new level of self-understanding that will help rhem in rheir future professions. Many of the organizations on campus are recognized nationally in their specific field of study. Students in these organizations have the opportunity to meet with professionals in their career field to gain advice and knowledge. Organizations offer students a variety of opportunities that allow them to expand their knowledge and prepare for their future careerchallenges, while also making friends and building relationships that last a lifetime. - Myca S. Haynes, organizations editor Organizations 233