Becky Pratt, senior, poses fo r a picture at the Inner-City Carn ival in Little Rock last fall. Pratt paHicipated in many service projects, including the carnival and visiting the elderly, during her four years at Harding. Becky Pratt, senior, pins a corsage on her father , Bill , before the Homecoming game, October 23. Pratt represenred her class in the Homecoming Court both her junior and senior years. Becky Pratt, senior, receives the Regina Spirit Award from Amy Gable, President of Regina Social Club. Regina nominated eight male and female seniorswhich the student body VOted on to receive the Spirit ~ward. During chapel, January 27, Amy Gable. senior, presentsAlanHowei l. senior,with theReginaSpiritAward. The honor came as a surprise to Howell who was nominated last faU by Regi na Social Club. Regina Spirit Award 231