1999-2000 Yearbook

Regina Spirit Award... Students honorAlanHowell, BeckyPratt A Ian Howell and Becky Pratt, this year's Regina Spirit Award recipients. were a logical choi ce for the honor presented to them in chape l. Amo ng thei r many accomp l ishmen[5 as st udent leaders, Alan and Becky are probably best known for their posit ions as Student Impact Co-DirectOrs last August, a position that hi ghli ghted t heir spirit of ded ication and service [Q others . Alan and Becky exhibited qualiti es of leadershi p and se rvice during Student Impact . acco rd ing to Jim M iller, d i recro[ of st udent ac ti vit ies. They spent t~eir summers plann ing activit ies for the new freshme n and gett in g upper-classmen involved and ready to make Student Impac t 1999 a success. Alan and Becky both agreed that Impact is one of the fondest memories of H ard ing U niversity they wi ll take with them when they graduate in May. "The closing ce remony is something I will always remember." Becky sai d. Seeing all the faces and the ca nd les is very memorabl e." Thi s dedi cat ion of C hri st ian se rvice and remarkable C hri sti an att itud e are wh at earned Alan and Becky a nominatio n for the Regi na Sp irit Award. Each year, Regina Women ' s Social Club nominates ma le and fema le seni ors whose Chri st- like examp les and service to others are exemplary. The student body then votes on t he nominees, and the twO recipie nts rece ive a plaq ue during a chapel ceremo ny. T he award has its basis in I Timot hy 4: 12, wh ich states, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." Becky sa id that one individual who has in sp ired her to be a Chr ist ian servant is Mrs. Murray, a lady she visited each week th rough her club service proj ect. Murray is an English teacher who takes ca re of her sick husband. " I can ca ll he r anytime and talk about anyt hing," Becky said. Alan and Becky have been positive role models in the lives of many students on the Harding campus. One li fe Alan has touched has been that of his fiancee, Rachel Wilso n , sen ior. " I realize more eve ry day how much he loves God and desires to serve him," Wilson sa id. "It ' s inc redib le to be ab le to see t hat every d ay. " Becky's sister, Molly, said that Becky has been influentia l in her life as well. "H er ded ica ti o n to God is some thing 1 admi re and wi sh I had mo re of," Mo ll y sai d. As twO promi nent se nio rs of the H arding st udent body, Alan and Becky exhi bit a C hri sr-l ike spirit t hat each of us can strive for. "They provide a breath of fresh air to the Harding campus," Mi ll er said. When asked what Bible verse they try to live by, both Alan and Becky said John 3:30: "He must become greater; 1 must become less." -Jenni fer Burton -Casey Neese Alan Howell, senior, joi ns fe llow Shantih beaux Jacob Baker, junior, and Heath Amos, sen io r, in the eme rrainmem at a Shantih mixer in [he fal l. Alan Howell and Becky Pran, seniors, make an announcement du ring Student Impact. The twO served as the co-di recro rs of this year's program. 230 Social Clubs