1999-2000 Yearbook

Marie Anderson , junior, helps a child from the Sunshine Schoolshowoff his new toy. This Christmas, club members bought gifts for the handicapped students at the Sunsh ine School and th en. Sant a deli ve red them at the school's annual Christmas Parry. During formal induction , on Oct. 3 1, Les lie Brooks , sophomore, washes freshman Angela Boyd 's feet. The ladi es of Chi Omega Pi served each other as well as the communiry. L_b~_ Chi Omega Pi members DeAnne Tonnessen, senior, and Martha ~upko, junior, StOP for a picture with friends Brian Hannel and Steven Garner before handing out ribbons at the Special Olymp ics held in April. Each spring the club supportS Special Olympics contestants by cheering and helping with the awards ceremony. 228 Social Clubs Elaine Keller, sophomore, SOrtS cans for the food drive that Chi Omega Pi sponsored for the Battered Women's Shelter during the Christmas season. The shelter was just one of the many places that Chi Omega Pi members vol unteered this year.