Ch:!-~ Hicks, Ch i Omega Pi beau, protects the basketball while playing against the Kappa Gamma Epsilon beaux in the Beaux Basketball Tournamem, Nov. 16. The tournamem was a service project sponsored by Chi Omega Pi, Delta Gamma Rho, Kappa Gamma Epsilon and Shamih social clubs. Money was raised for rhe Davis House, an adult care facil ity, in order to prevent its closing. Gene Bares, Kappa Gamma Epsilon beau, drives to rhe hoop during the Beaux Basketball Tournament, Nov. 16. Michael Arnold , Regina beau, ralks to RaDora Dinnan. sophomore. in the Student Center while eat ing a cookie he received from an inductee. Beaux and queens received a lot of mai l from inductees during Commirment Week. 224 Social Clubs --- ---- - Heather Seniker, Carla McCarry, Barb Demuth and Mandy lsom, Chi Sigma Alpha Queens. entertain at the fi rst round Chi Sigma Alpha mixer. Beaux and queens participated in club mixers by entertaining prospective members or giving devotional rhoughts.