Brandy Carpent er , sophomore GATAmember, and Edward Stillwell, GATA beau, worship du ring the All-Club Devot ional , Monday night of Commitment Week. The devotionals gave socia l clubs an oppo rtunity to meet together each night during Commitment Week: Joe Ya le, juniot, sings with fellow members of hi s clu b, Pi Kappa Epsilon, and friends du r ing a Wednesday night devotionaL Membe rs of the club worship together each week in the O ld Reco rdi~g Studio. , ~ Photo by Darla Dilks, senior, and Ginger Gerber, sophomore, members ofRegina women's social club, sing duri nga devotional with Shantih. Manyclubs enjoyed fellowshiping with each other and participated in combined devo tionals duri ng Commitment Week as well as other times throughout the year. 220 Social CIubs Sharon Grove, sophomore, speaks to the women of Tri Kappa during their meeting, Dec. 6, in theMcl nreer building. Social dubs elected devotional directors to be the spiritual leaders oftheir clubs and to organize retreats, service projects and o ther events.