Travis Gable and Carey Terry, sen iors, joke around at the Chi Sigma Alpha table. Social Club Open House gave members a chance to visit with each other after summer break. Geuing acquaimed with Timo Kosonen, sophomore, isShannon Cooper,seniormemberofTNT. Members ofZeta Rho and TNT social clubs donned '70's aui re for their annual thi rd round "Brady Bunch" mixer on the front lawn. Delta Gamma Rho members greet Emily Smith, junior, and her sister Abby, freshman, on the front lawn during Bid Day. During Shamih's first round mixer, Nikki Cooms, sophomore, emertains members and prospective pledges with her singing talem. Clubs often chose themes for their mixers. Shamih's first mixer had a hillbilly theme where members wore overalls. Open House, Mixers 215