1999-2000 Yearbook

VVOMEN'S INTRAMURALS MOORE HEADS PROGRAM In 1924, when Harding became a four-year institution under the leadership of Dr. George Benson, the school immediately began its inrramural program . T oday. the women 's in tramural spans program continues to invo lve one of the most diverse cross-sections of Harding women. The program isdirected by Dr. JessicaMoore. who came to Harding two years ago to fi ll the position when Barbara Barnes retired after 34 years.Moore was Barnes' student assistantnearly 20 years ago while artending Harding. "Dr. Moore is always on taskabout thegames," Jennifer Stowe, senior, said. "She always gives a smile and wants to "I NTRAMURAL SPORTS ARE A GOOD WAY TO MEET PEOPLE. IT'S LOTS OF FUN. " -ANNA WESMORELAND, SENIOR know who we are." Holly Nelson, senior , agreed. " Dr. Moore enj oys meeting people and is really involved with the program," she said. This year's women's intramural program consisted of six spo rts. In the fall , students played softball , tenn is and volleyball. Spring sports included bas ketball , tacquetball, soccet and softball. In addition , therewas one night when players competed at badminton, table tenn is and shuffieboard . "The main purpose of the program is [0 have fun ," Moore said. "Intramural spons are nOt as competitive as club spon s. Instead, it is a socializing time and a time to meet new fri ends." One of the biggest differences between intramural and intercollegiate spon s was the varied ability levelsoftheparticipanrs, accotding toNelson. "We have a wide variety of ability on the Club basketball players circle up for a postgame prayer, a longtime uadition involving both teams. The women's intramural program is coordinated by Dr. Jessica Moo re and aided by six inuamural assistants. 208 Athletics teams," she said, "but that is what makes it fun and enjoyable." . Women who participated earned points that counted toward a letter jacket or blanket. The point system was implemented in 1939 and still determines the top players each semester. In addition , the High Point Award was given to the player who accumulated the most pointS. According to Moore, players earned points by entering an event, officiating games, being on one of the teams that place in the top mree and playing on an all-star team. .' A sportsmanship award was also presented to an exemplary student at the end of the spring semester. Intramural SPOrtS are a regular activity among Harding students. In fact, many students favo red the intramural program over club sporrs, according to Anna Westmoreland. seni or. "Club sports are more competitive and teammatesaiready know each other," she said. "Intramural spons are a good way to meet people. It 's lots oHun. " The relationships which were formed during the games were perhaps the greatest benefit of the intramural program, according to Stowe. "Intramural SpOrts are a great way to involve people." Stowe said. "I created so many fri endships by being involved in the program. There is a unique atmosphere when playing with people who are from many different places. We get to help each other Out." "The contact I have wim students is so much closer and more personable than in the classroom," Moore said. "I have the best job in the world." - Rachel Wilson ---