1999-2000 Yearbook

MEN'S INTRAMURALS SOCCER JOINS LINEUP The beginning of the 1999-2000 men's intramural season was eagerly amicipared by i!ldividual competitors and teams alike. Several additions were made to the already vast expanse of (he intramural playing field. This was the first year that intramural competi to rs enjoyed soccer. Soccer was played on the intramutal football fields, and slightly smaller goals were used to compensate for (he decreased size of the playing fields. "We' re very excited abom soccer being added to our program," Jim Gowen, men's intramural . di rectOr, said. Intramural soccer was played after spring break, at the same time as spring softbal l. Gowen said that soccer will nOt be added to the club li neup, as it is already ful l. Competition was strong in all of the SPOrtS played this year, according to Gowen. More imporrantiy, however, sportsmanship remained the co rnerstone of the intramural tradition, according to Sean Hudkins, intramural graduate aSSistant. "Al l of the play in the men's sPOrts has been very competitive," Hudkins said. "As a who le, sportsmanship has been excellent. " Bryan Jobe, intramurals assistant, said that much of the success of this year's intramural program can be anributed to the hard work of Gowen. "The growing success of the intramural program is due to Mr. Gowen's dedication and end~ringwork throughout the year," Jobe said. Eight individual comperitors worked to earn the coveted intramural jacket this year. A busy and strenuous schedule awaited all those who braved such an undertaking. To earn a jacket, one had to participate in all team spores, all si ngles and doubles tournaments, the swim meet, the cross country run and at least half of the SPOrtSskills contests. "Those hoping to earn the jacket must compete in all of the team spores and at least half of the individual activities," Gowen said. The individual activities included table tennis, racquetball, tennis, track, cross country, swimming and (he sports skills contests. Anoth er major award in the intramural p rogram was theAll Sports T rophy. Men 's social clubs are awarded points based on their fin ish in each club SpOrt at both A and B levels. At the end of each school year, the club with the most points at each level wins. Both large and small men's social clubs competed in softbal l, flag footb a ll , vo lleyball , basketball, track and fi eld and swimming. Those not in social clubs and club mem- "INTRAMURALS AT HARDING IS ONE OF OUR OLDEST TRADITIONS HANDED DOWN FROM PREY1OUS GENERATIONS. INTRAMURALS ARE ONE OF THOSE THINGS THAT MAKE HARDING A SPECIAL PLACE." - JIM GOWEN, DIRECTOR OF MEN'S bers who were looki ng I NTRAMURALS for more playing time could participate in intramural sports like softball , flag football , volleyball, basketball or soccer. "Intramurals at Harding is one of our oldest traditions," Gowen said. "Inrramurals is one of those things that make Harding a special place." - Alan Seim An intramural volleybal l player p repares to serve the ball. Volleyball was the final team sport of the fall semester fo r men's dubs and intramurals. Men's Intramurals 207