1999-2000 Yearbook

FOOTBALL OVERCOMES INJURIES Although plagued by adversiry, the 1999 Bison football team managed to fin ish the season with a respectable record of 5-5. Early season injuri es (Q running backs Jason Sneed and Willis Brinon hampered the Bisons, forcing the coaches (0 make major adjustments in their offensive scheme, according co Head Coach Randy Tribble. "After the injuries. we switched to a more throwing oriented offense." he said. This reconstruction of the Bison's offense was a job that James Frank, offensive coo rdina- [Of , was eager to tackle. " WE FEEL THAT THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST FOOTBALL T EAMS THAT WE ' YE EYER HAD." -COACH RANDY T R IBBLE Star Conference (LSC). "Considering our injuries and adjustments that followed, I'm happy with our offensive product ion," Frank said. As a resuh of chis vast array of adj ustments , the Bisons achieved first place in scoring offense and second place in total offense within the Lone "We feel that this was one of the best football teams that we've ever had," Tribble said. The Bisons' high powered attack was headed by standout quarterback Luke Cullins . Cul lins, who led the conference in multiple categories including [Otal passi ng yards, attributed his success [0 his teammates. "('m happy with the way that I played, but I have [0 give the credit to our offense as a whole, " he said. Among other successes, Cull ins was named Foolball : Fron. Row: Luh T ribbk Denni. CardO$l). Je remyThompron . Willi' Brillon.lUshun Taylor. Chris May. Zach Beaven. Alex Behel , Said l'era,Jimi Holden. David Anfield, Drew Colon. Mill Underwood, Andrcw Pat.on. Jason Moal$, Gerald Payne, Marc Fager. Jah Tribble, Second Row: Luke Cu llins, Shaylon Han, Rae Holden. Jason Snu.:!. Travis Alford, David High, William Hollow:iY, WillieW«k1y. Derek Ivory, EricWoocbrd. Micha Sexson. Bcuhard Tillman. Jamul Harris. Jamie Doyle, Sc.h Morgan, Zack Self, La Polk, Zack Tribble. Third Row: Carl.on Smi.h. Brian Caffey, Bnndon Atchet . Nuhan Scali, Kyle H:oulwood , Clint Smith, Kevin Redd, Nate Du.ile. Bnd Fonson. Darin Br:uile. Wesley Duncan. ClayMadu. Hargis Billyos. HamiltonArchibald. Chad Bonne r, Shawn Cder. Jerry Evans. Ryan Bridges. Rob Demon. Andy Br:ule. Foutlh Row: Scali Smith. Casey S.cwarl. Kevin Chi,m, Paul C handler, Philip King. John Sreeples, Jeremy Steward. Chuck Wells, Brandon Thomason. Josh Tomlinson. Jeff Thornton. Joshua Sallerfield.Jeremy Turner, Robell Holden, Zack Towery, T yreek Harry, Nathaniel Will iams. Aaron Harris. Fifth Row: John Hicks, Nick McNabb, David Bagley. Jeremy Schul~, Jeff Simpson. Chad Eason. Ry>n Blounl. Ricky Box, David Ellis. JOOy Jone,. Harambce Ryan, Sterling Riggs, B",d Whinery. Steve Parks, Bubba DeLukie, Tiago Collins. James Nowlin. Greg Taylor. Six.h Row: Chris Peak, Dcwayne Randle. T im Daniels, josh T urne•. Chris Howell. Rob SlfOud,Joscph Walhr , Archie Walker. Kyle Blicken5laff, Scan Ragroale, Ronnie Huckeba. James Frank, Randy Tribble, Roddy MOle, Ronnie Harlow. Ian White, jason Smith. Chris Mone. Clim Rhodes, Micah Gifford. Floyd Black, Cl int Holt . Seven.h Row: jesse Jordan, Sean Judge, Chad Rye. ja..od Hobby. Aimee Smith, Alice Men-it. Kelley McCttal)'. Tiffany Laster. RelIC Wilson, Hc:uhcr Driver, Diana Vawgiannis. Jay Phillips. 200 Athletics .' , .' the Division II National Player of the Week by USA Football twi~e. Other offensive contributors were Jeremy Thompson, kicker, Andrew Patton, punter, and Marc Fager and Gerald Payne, receivers. All were distinguished and noted threats within the conference. Thompsonwas theconference's leading sco rer and was an integral part of the Bison offense since his arrival four years ago. "Jeremy wil1 be missed; he's been a great kicker for us ," Tribble said. " The contributions of Fager and Payne were also invaluable to the Bisons, Tribble said. Both were awarded for their on field accomplishments . Fager was the conference's leader in yards receiving per game, and USA Football named Payne Division II National Co-Rookie of the Week. Through hard work and determination, the Bisons' defense kept the team within striki ng distance throughout the year. Led by players such as Greg Taylor and Said Perez, seniors, the Bison defense improved throughout the course of the season. "Our defense forced a lot of turnovers and they intercepted the most passes in the Conference, " Tribble said. Unfortunately, the Bisons lost 14 seniors to graduation. The enti re coaching staff said that the seniors would be missed. "We' re really proud oftheir accomplishments on and off the field," T ribble said. Despite a .500 record, Bison coaches and team members alike said that their potential was nor reached. "We just didn ' t overcome all of the adversides with which we were faced," Tribble said. - Alan Seim , , ,! , , ! , " , , " " 1. '. ••