1999-2000 Yearbook

WOMEN'S SOCCER SECOND SEASON SUCCESS The Lady Bison Soccer team had great resul ts from all ,he players during ,he 1999 season, accord ing to Coach T en), Edwards. They achieved a 9-1 0- 1 reco rd. The ream is in its second season, where gaining experience seems to be the motto. Edwa rds said he was impressed with the girls' season. "The team notched three mo re wi ns than the fi rst season," he said. "They nearly reached the .500 mark, which meant they almost had as many wi ns as they did ls>sses . "There was more experience and talent this season, and that gave "THE FANS WERE us an edge over last year. " REALLY GREAT THIS Mi ch al Edwa,ds, sophomore ri ght defender, said that every game is imporcam for ,he fumre of ,he Lady Bisons' socce r proYEAR. FOR EVERY HOME GAME WE HAD A HUGE CROWD." -ANDREA gram. RICHMOND, JUNIOR "Whether we won or lost, we still gained a lot of good experience from every game," she said. O ver time, (he girls will gain the experience they need [0 be a better ream, according [0 Hea ther Gray, sophomore mid-fielder. "Hopefully next year the gi rls with the most experience will step up and lead the team," she sai d. "It takes time for the girls to get to know each other and really become a team. We wo rk really hard now, but I know with the experience of playing togethet year after year we will get ben er." Andrea Richmond, junior center-mid fielder, Sheridan Smith, junior mid-fielder, prepares to kick the ball down fi eld. Smith scored fi ve goals and had four assists th is season. 192 Athletics said goals are an imponant panofplaying on any athlet ic team. T he women's soccer team is no exception. "We did ben er this season compared to last season," Richmond said. "There is still room fo r improvement, though. "I would like to see us wo rk together mo re as a team. We are goi ng to have a lot of talent coming into next season. " "A goal I would like to see the team accomplish would be to make the confe rence tourn3ment," Coach Edwards said. "This means we would have to fi nish in the top fou r." Gray, who was named Lone Star Conference Player of the Year for the 1999 season, said she was excited about the amount of fan suppon exhibi ted duri ng the year. "In the Lone Star Conference, the Lady Bison soccer team was named fo urth in overall attendance," she said. According to Richmond, this kind ofsupport helped [0 motivate the team. She said it meant a lot when the fans showed their suppOrt and attended the games. "The fanswere reallygreat this year. For every home game we had a huge crowd, more than I ever expected," Richmond said. "I wish we could have taken them to our away games." W ith only one year of experience under its bel t, the Lady Bison soccer team amazed its competi tOrs in the 1999 season. Playerswho had been through las t season led the younger members this year. W ith a growi ng number of fans and the experience the playe rs gained with each game they played, the girls look to become an even more competitive socce r team next year. - G inger W ilson