1999-2000 Yearbook

GOLF EARNING RESPECT In just their second yearofcompetition in the Lone Star Conference. the golf team made its presence felt, This was a result of the Bisons' consistency and strong cournamenr play. The Harding golf team surprised many of their opponents with consistent, even dominating play at times during [he 1999 season. With a sixth place fini sh at the Lone Star Conference (LSC) T ournament, the Bisonsmade their mark and solidified themselves as legitimate competi tors within me Conference. "I was real ly pl eased wirh our play ar rhe Conference T ournament," Coach N icky Boyd said. "We received a very solid effore from tOP co bottom. " Leading the way for the Bisons throughout the season, particularly at the Conference T ournamenc, was (eam captain Paul Sobonka. The sophomore standout fini shed third in the event with sco res of 73, 74 and 76. "I just went our and played rhe best golf 1 could, " Soborrka said . The Bisons surprised their competition with a quick stan at the tOurnament, acco rding to Boyd. "After the fi rst round of the tOurnament we were in second place." Boyd said. This was a surprise to many of the team 's competitors. who only seemed to look at the Bisons ' inexperience and poor play in past competitions. Jared Smi th. freshman, who shot a so lid round of76, was pleased with the tournament and the team's enthusiasm. "We had a lot of talent, but never seemed to click at the same time." Smith said. "We could never seem to get four scores tOgether in unison. " With their sixth place fini sh, the Bisons equaled rheir 1997 LSC fini sh. The team totaled 934 strokes in the threeround tournament. Soborrka led rhe squad wirh four sub par rounds during the season. including a three under par 69 at the Arkansas Tech Invitational. W ith only seven players in the Bisons' bag, Boyd fervendy stressed quality over quanti ty. "All season we received consistent play from our top twO pl ayers. However, I was most pleased with the play ofour en'ti re team as a whole," Boyd said. Continu ed Improvement is expected for the upcoming season, according to Boyd. Howeve r , seve ral obstacles will have to be ove rcome before substantial progress can be made. Sobottka transfered in May 1999 and rhe number twOplayer will be lost to graduation. It is imperative that the res t of the team "I WAS REALLY PLEASED WITH OUR PLAY AT THE CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT. WE RECEIVED A VERY SOLID EFFORT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. " - COACH challenge rhemselves ro NICKY BOYD improve. according to Boyd. Don't be surprised if the Bisons compete for honors at the next LSC Tournament. "We're excited about the upcoming season," Boyd said. "I expecr good rhings from rhe up and coming team." -Alan Seim - Ryan Cook Paul Sobo ttka. sophomo re. drives the golf ball as Jared Smith andJeff PoweU, freshmen. look on. Sobottka led the Bison golf team to a sixth pl ace fi nish with a thi rd place individual showing in the Lone Star Conference Championship. Golf 191