1999-2000 Yearbook

.BASEBALL OFFENSIVE IMPROVEMENT The 1999 Bison Baseball Team made a tee- recruits and make playing in watery conditions mendous improvement in the Lone Star Conference with a record of 22-22. This season marks the first time the Bisons have achieved a .500 reco rd in recent years. Conuary to last year, the Bisons' offense proved (Q be the hean of the team. Mike Huebner, freshman, led the Bisons in home runs and fielding. ''I'm just one man," he said. "I can ' t do it all by myself. I'm just happy to be here. I'm going to take it one day at a time and do whatever it takes to help out the bali team. " "WE'RE DEEPER IN PITCHING AND MIDDLE INFIELD AND HAVE MANY STRONG RETURNING PLAYERS. " -PHILL GISEL, SOPHOMORE The Bisons' overall batting average increased to .314, a significant improvement from last year's .220. This resulted in an Iflcrease Ifl run SUppOH for the Bisons' pitching Staff. Increased off-season recruiting moved the Bisons into a position to challenge the Lone Star Conferences' top rated teams and possibly make a run for the conference title. "We' re deeper in pitching and middle infield and have many strong returning players," said Phill Gisel , sophomore pitcher. In addition to the vast array of off-fi eld changes. the Jerry Moore Field also received a major face- li ft during the summer of 1999, which is expected to aid the Bisons in the 2000 season. New sod, dugouts and a three foot raise in the level of the field are expected (Q draw more Preparing to hurl the baseball towards home plate, ate Watson, sophomore, steps forvvard as part of his windup. Watson, with a team.high 58srrikeouts, was among four Bisons named to the Lone Star Confe rence AlI·Conference Second Team. 188 Athletics easIer. "In my neighborhood, the kids are always looking for a nice yard to play in," Coach Shane Fullerton said. "I feel playe rs who are wancing to participate in collegiate basebal l afe looking for the same thi ng." According co Fullerton, the Bisons added several new players to the pitching Staff, which should bring needed depth to the 2000 squad. Among these additions are Matt Thoma~ .. sophomore, who sat out last year 's season due co a rotator cuff inju ry, and Man Walter, freshman, who was drafted by the Florida Marlins in the 26th round. These are juSt twO of the many players who will aid in the advancement of Harding Baseball toward its bright future. Perhaps the mOSt important step the Bisons will make is the new addition of Pitching Coach Nathan Blackwood. Blackwood, a forme r Lubbock Christian University standout, will assume the rol e with the same enthusiasm as in his previous years of coaching. ''I'm excited about the depth we' re going to have in the pitching staff," Blackwood said. Aside from the loss ofAll-Conference catcher Derek Reeves, the team will remain relatively intact fo r the 2000 season. Fullerton beli eves having a veteran team will greatly contribute to a successful 2000 season if the returning players step up and assume leadership responsibilities. Fullerton said he is excited about the upcoming season, with thoughts that a conference title may soon be within reach. - Alan Seim - .... _ ....... - .... -.. ..... - ,' .. " -~-~