1999-2000 Yearbook

Athletics / Bison teams challenge the opposition Since Harding resumed intercollegiate athletics in 1957, the Bisons have been meeting the challenge in every conference of which they have been a part. Harding was a longtime member of the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference (AlC) until it dissolved in 1995. Since the fall of that year, the Bison teams have competed in Above:Nate Watson, junior, rears back juS{ before throwingastrike to an opposing batter. Left: Rene Rodriguez, junior, prepares to kick the soccer ball during pract ice. Two men's club soccer teams competed in preparatio n for intercollegiate competition in 2000. the Lone Star Conference (LSC), an NCAA Division II conference. The massive LSC is composed of teams in Ark., Okla., Texas and N.M. Facing such long road trips and nontraditional rival teams, Harding looked for a new conference home and found it. "Starting in the 2000-2001 school year, Harding's intercollegiate teams will begin trying to meet the challenges ofa new Division II conference - the Gulf South Conference (GSC). " Starting in the 2000-2001 school year, Harding's intercollegiate teams will begin trying to meet the challenges of a new Division II conference - the Gulf South Conference (GSC) . Harding and in-state rival Ouachita Baptist will make the move together. The two additions will give the GSC 18 members, including seven in Arkansas. "Harding has always valued its relationships with the other Arkansas schools," President David Burks said. "The old AlC had some great rivalries, and this move will rekindle those instate rivalries. As part of the move, Harding will field two new teams. Men's soccer will start full intercollegiate competition next season, with women's softball following soon after. No matter what conference they call home, the Bisons have always met the challenge of being competitive. -Ryan Cook, athletics editor Athletics 179