1999-2000 Yearbook

Graduate assistants lJJDrk for free educatiDn .. ~"'" IScaM/lut While coaching the defensive backs during an afternoon pracrice, Rob Stroud, graduate assistam fo r the football team, looks over some plays. Each of the team's graduate assistam specialized ina specifi c area. Sara Vaughn-Germantown, Tenn. Michael Veigel-Vincent, Ohio Beni Venkatesan-Endicorr, N .Y. Kaelin Vernon-Bowling Green, Ky. Matt Vick-Rome, Ga. Robin Vick-Sterling, Scodand Elona Vlad i-Morrilton, Ark. Craig Wade-Searcy, Ark. H eidi Walden-Owasso, Okla. Shelly Walker-New Bloomfi eld, Mo. Jeremy Wallace-Woodstock, Ga. Whitney Waller-Arli nglOn, Texas Jennifer Walter-Jonesboro, Ark. Matt Walter-Brandon, Fla. Anna Walters-Concord, N.C. Eryn Walters-Muskogee,Okla. Kat i Wampler-Corpus Christi, Texas Francis Wanjai-Nakuru, Kenya James Watson-Wesson, Miss. N icole Webb-Orange Park, Fla. 172 People How can students continue their Harding education without paying tuition? Become a graduate assistant and your question wi lt be answered. There are many students who have taken advantage of Harding's masters programs. These programs are a great way to stay at H arding wh ile bettering your education. The graduate office requires graduate assistants to work on campus for a specific department, 20 hours a week. Last year, a graduate assistant had to complete only 12 hours each week. The assistant 's dut ies are up to the professo rs in charge. Danny H ardman , graduate assistant for the communicat ion department, said she is studyi ng for her masters in Business Admin istration and plans to stay at Harding longenough to complete the program. "Basically, you dowhatever they need you to do. One day I'm making copies, the next I migh t be monitoring a test," Hardman said. "You never can tell." Tommy Busby is a graduate assistant for the men 's basketball team. "I do a lo t ofdiffetent th ings. 1help the coaches with whatever they need done," Busby said. "I have monitored practices, set up videos, kept statistics and helped with next year's recruits, " he said. "Also, when the basketball season starts, I will travel with the team to all the games ." Having the opportuni[J to be a graduate assistant is a valuable and rewarding expe rience. ~Ot only do you get to stay at Harding, but you can also further your education. It can be a big help to a professo r who is pressed fo r time to have a graduate ass istant around to pick up the loose ends. Agraduate assistant 's job is not easy. It can be difficult to take harder courses , while also having to juggle homework around the 20 hours of work. For all that extra work and responsibili[J, at least the pay, free schooling, is good. - Ginger Wilson