1999-2000 Yearbook

O lympia Rogers-N.1.itde Rock, Ark. Maria del Pilar Roldan-Arequipa, Peru Tiffany Rompel-Bend, Ore. Jason Roper-Kansas Ci£}" Mo. Jeremy Rosebeny-Arling(On, Texas Macy Rowe-Mobile, Ala. Rachel Rutherford-Wil ton Manors, Fla. Daniel Ryan-Memphis, Tenn. Harambee Ryan-Memphis, Tenn. Amy Sanders-Bremwood, Tenn . Sara Sanders-Brentwood, Tenn. Adam Sandlin-Maumel le, Ark. Josh Sandlin-Paragould, Ark. Mac Sandlin-Beebe, Ark. C herise Sanford-Missouri City, Texas Matt Savage-Alabaster, Ala. H annah Sawyer-Louisville, Ky. Jeremy Schulz-Freeport, Ill . M ichelle Scobba-Louisville, Ky. Jenny Scott-Belton, Mo. Nathan Scott-Island, Ky. Tara Scruggs-Concord , N.C. Matt Semanek-Pearland, Texas Kelly Semore-Ooltewah, Tenn. Jill Severns-Payerre. Idaho Club ring ceremDnies celebrate engagements Caryn Parker, senior, looks on as Myca H aynes. sophomore. gives a hug to nevvlyengaged Becky Burk, senio r. For many gi rls. a ring ceremony meant me chance to share an engagement with fri ends. 168 .People The gende glow ofcandlelight. The spatkle ofa d iamond. The hushed singing of social club sisters . The nagging question - Who is it this time? Ring ceremonies have long been a tradition at H arding University, and like all traditions. the sigh t of a ring ceremony on campus became an almost everyday event this year. Kerri Kaegi, junior, said her ring ceremony was anything but typicaL Rather than keeping her engagement a secret from everyone else. the surp rise actually turned our to be for Kaegi. H er boyfriend, Alex Behel, junior, proposed las t September at a Zeta Rho ring ceremony that had secretly been planned for her. "Everyone who came out knew that the ring ceremony was for me," Kaegi said. "I had no idea. It was a huge surprise. A ring ceremony is a special event that every gi rl looks forward to." "It is a really unique way to share your engagement experience,"Aurumn Spell, seniot, said. "That kind ofOppOttunity JUSt doesn ' t exist after college." W hile ring ceremon ies usually invo lve only women 's clubs, Zach Neal, junior, had the opportun ity to be involved in the ceremony of fiancee Sara Jo Edens, junior. Because he was a beau for Edens' club, Ju Go Ju , Neal was invited. It is cool to help tell the Story," Neal said. "After all, getting engaged is one of the biggest events in a person 's li fe." - Elizabeth Smith