1999-2000 Yearbook

, - Shannon Lockwood-San Antonio. Texas Kimberly LoftiS-Madison, Tenn. Lindy Logan-Bardett. Tenn. Evan Long-Searcy, Ark. Jessica Long-Texarkana, Texas Ranisha Longstreet-Davenport, Iowa Jessica Lovins-Ozark, Mo. Kristi Lowery-Houston, Texas Cody Lowry-Carrollton , Texas Elizabeth Loyd-Little Rock, Ark. Mi chael Luc ich-Cotuit, Mass. ·Oipmala Lukhi-Searcy, Ark. C hristine Luttrell-Ann Arbor, Mich. Scott Lybrand-Midlothian. Texas Joshua Lynch -Owasso, Okla. Alicia Macomber-Searcy, Ark. Anna Maddox-Elba. Ala. Justin MaddOX-Elba, Ala. Rebecca Madewell-Memphis, Tenn. Ben Malone-Marion , Ark. Joseph Man iero-Amesbury, Mass. Mike Manley-Seffner. Fla. Amy Mansour-Duluth, Iowa Tiffany Markoff-Westminisrer, Colo. Allison Marrow-Richland Hills, Texas Beating the bongos, Tommy Busby,graduate studenr, enrenains Chi Omega Pi social dub with his musical talents during an induction mixer. Busby, along with playing the bongos, is also accomplished at the guitar and saxaphone. "Down With Phil" is the name of the band Busby has been playing with for almost a year. The group plays for various paying gigs and often putS on their own concens in surrounding areas. In addition to playing at the Ch i Omega Pi mixer, "Down W ith Phil " played at the Pi Kappa Epsilon mixer. "He (Busby] played at one of our (Pi Kappa Epsilon's] functions tWO years ago," Jeremy Hogg, junior, said. "Everyone really enj oyed them sowe decided to bring them back this fall for our first mixer. " While many dubs featured entenainment at their mixers by either utelizing talenred members or hiring a band CO perform, other dubs hosted annual mixers includingTNT and Zeta Rho's Brady Bunch mixer and Delta Gamma Rho's Cookie Dough mixer. Freshmen 163