1999-2000 Yearbook

Russ Burchman, board oftrustees member, gives the commencement address at graduation. Graduates and othe rs in attendance liste ned attentively as Burcham spoke on entering the work force. President David Burks. Dr. Dean Priest and Dr. Neale Pryor file into the Ganus Athletic Center for the May graduat ion ceremonies. Graduation was held in the Ganus instead of the Benson Auditorium because of the large number of graduating students. 12 Student Life A smile crosses the face of Karie Fage r, senior, as she sings "Cl imb EveryMountain" during graduation ceremonies in May. It has becomeaHardingtradition for a student to sing the tune at graduation and convocation ceremonies each year. Dean Priest. assistant vice president for academics, shakes the hand of a graduating sen io r as he presents him with a d egree. Ma ny students anxiously awaited the moment their name was called to walk across the stage and receive their degree.