1999-2000 Yearbook

Kyle RhodeS-Ar li ngton. Texas Lee Rice-Columbia, Tenn . Nicole Ri chmond-St. Peters, Mo. J oshua Riesland-San Diego. Calif. Kate Rivera-Manches ter, N.H. Dustin Roberts-Gifford, III . Bre Robertson-Humble, Texas Romaura Rodriguez-Venezuela Dal ila Rojas-Quereraio. Mexico Rachel Rosenbaum-Valdosta, Ga. N ico letta RouSSOS-Athens. Greece .Katie Rucker-Tulsa, Okla. Tara Salsman-Harrison. Ark. Kendall Samuel-Kuy, Texas C h risty Samuels-Barden, Tenn. Sam Sanders-Dalton ,Ga. Shelley Sanders-Memphis. Tenn. Amy Sau ls-Ooltewah, Tenn. Andrew Scharff-Spartanburg. $c. Kelly Scheppegrell-F","o, C,i;f. Brad Fortson, senior, devours a muffin after chapel while talking to Gretchen Simmons ,j unior. Muffinsand soft drinks were provided for (he entire student body as chapel let our early. The special "muffin days," which rook place once a semester, were usually held in front of the Benson Audi torium by the fountain. However, on [his particular day, dark clouds and the threat of rain forced everyone to squeeze inro the H ammon Studenr Center to enjoy the breakfast and fellows h ip. "Muffin Day" was always a favo ri te chapel among Harding students because it was a break from the busyness of cl asses. Because muffins were usually only provided after chapel twice a year. students always looked fOlWard to it. "It is something different and it gives me a chance to relax and have a little fun before classes start ." Stacey Portell. junior, said. Other favo rite chapels included performances by entertainers such as the "Grumpy O ld Men," Good News Si ngers. Belles and Beaux and the presentation ofthe Residen t ofthe Man th award. Many students said they simply appreciated the time thac was set aside each morn ing fo r the entire student body, faculty and staff to worship God togeth er. "It [chapel] is an abso lutely unique experi ence and one that we will always remember after we leave Harding," Portell said. Sophomores 147