Bicycle blues brings gDDd news (Dr Sharp Becky Sharp, freshman, rides her bike near the foumain in from ofthe BensonAuditorium. After her old bikewas stolen last fall, girls in Sears dorm collected money to buy her a new one. Becky's bike was her on ly mode of transportation. Kristen G rile-Anderson, Ind. Naomi Gill-Troy, Ill. Mal)' Grimshaw-Conway, Ark. Curtis Grubb-Terre Haute, Ind. Rachel Gunn-Wesr Helena, Ark. Michelle Guy-Searcy, Ark. Paige Hagan-Greenbrier, Tenn. Adam Halford-Rogers, Ark. Sheri Hall-Mobile, Ala. Vanessa Hammersmith-Ft. Wayne, Ind. Eric Hanes-Poplar Bluff, Mo. Eric Hardin-Lexington, Ky. Melan ie Harkabus-Richmond. Va. Meghan Harper-Sterlington , La. Adam Harrell-El Dorado, Ark. Elizabeth Harrell-Moutain View, Ark. Myca Haynes-Coolville, Ohio Belew Helton-Pittsford, N.Y. Renee Henderson-Wenatchee, Wash. Brad H endrickson-Manchwer, Mo. 140 People On several occasions here at Harding, students have been asked to give donations in order to suppon a certain cause. The sruaencs at Harding are known to be generous, and the goals are usually met. This fall, a sicuarion arose in Sears dorm that had students once again helping those in need. Becky Sharp, a freshman from Jonesboro, Ark. who has cerebral palsy, always rode her bike around campus - until it was stolen. "1 woke up on a Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. I weO[ oucsicie where I usually keep my bike and it was gone," Sharp said. "1 called security, and they said they would keep an eye out for it. I also asked my friends co look Out for ic. " Three to four days passed and Becky did not hear anything about her bike. What Becky did not know was that the girls from her hall were coll ecting donat ions so they could buy her another bike. Linda Cox, Sears dorm mother, put up signs asking girls to give money for the bike. "At curfew one evening, all the girls from the dorm donated money to help out," Jennife r Kendall-Ball, freshman, said. Several ofBecky's friends took her to Wal-Mart the next day and let her pick out a new bike. "The girls raised $218.13 overall. Not only was I able to pick OUt a new bike, but there was enough money for me to get some accessories for it also," SPa rp said. "I was really surprised and exc ited. My bike is the only transportation that I have. I didn't know how I was going to get around without one." Because Sharp has cerebral palsy, havinga bike helps make the trek around campus easier. The girls on Sharp 's hall realized how important itwas for her to have a bicycle. They knew that with the help of the other girls in the dorm, they could make adifference in Becky Sharp's life. -Ginger Wilson