1999-2000 Yearbook

Ryan Gencry-Memphi s, Texas Ginger Gerber-Danvi lle, Ind. Danene Gibbs-Nashvi lle, Tenn. Eydie Giles-Greenville, Texas Brooke Ginn ings-Lawwn, Okla. Laura G lover-East Peoria, Il l. Rachel Goad-Little Rock, Ark. J erusha Godoy-Nimajuyu, Guatemala Adam Goerrzen-Aurora, Neb. Amy Goff-Heber Springs, Ark. "Jennifer Goff-Gastonia, N.C. H eather GolightlY-Amarillo. Texas Francisco Gomez-Tabasco. Mexico Greg Goodale-Springfield, Mo. J ason G race-An tioch, Calif. Joseph Grady-Germamown , Tenn. Erikson Granberg-Portland, Ore. Tanya Grasham-Tallmadge. Ohio As hley Gregory-RoMNd, Ill. Lindsay G riffis-Judson ia, Ark. Bill Moore, senior Sub T-16 member, talks ro Tim Johnston, sophomore Kappa Sigma Kappa member, at the social club open house on the from lawn. As a Homecoming tradition, members ofsocial cl ubs on campus had an opportunity to welcome back alumni and meet formermembers oftheir club. This gave current members a chance to gain insight to their club's heritage and gave the alumni an opportunity to see how their club had progressed over the years. Many clubs set up booths decorated with club memorabilia such as scrapbooks, photo albumsand club symbols . In addition to the Social Club reun ions. Homecoming weekend also included class reunions. With other events during Homecoming such as the musical, Sevm Bridesfor Sevm Brothers, {he pep rally and the football game, many alumni came back to catch up with college friends. club brothers and sisters and old roommates . Not only alumni attended the weekend's fes tivities, however. Many family members of current students and prospective members of the Hardi ng stude nt body also came ro check ou( the campus. It was a fu n weekend that was set aside ro remind all of us what a special place Harding is. and that it is a place that God has given us. Sophomores 139