1999-2000 Yearbook

Matt Mellon-Ne"'w Albany, Ind. Vi ncente Menj ivar-san Salvador, EI Sal. Dan Menz-Amelia, Ohio Dave M ercham -Sugar Land, Texas Andrea Miesner-Hardy, Ark. Ben Miller-Fayem:ville, N.C. M at t Milli gan -Jonesboro, Ark. Amber M itchell-Pensacola, Fla. Lori Mize-Batesville. Ark. Angela Mon iodis-Highland, Il l. Emily Montandon-Bullard. Texas Lindsey Moore-Beaumont, Texas Nico le Moreland-Bellaire. Texa"s Angelique Moses-Fort Smi th , Ark. Greg Moses-Fort Smi th , Ark. Lauren Moze-Manassas, Va. Malikah Munns-Linle Rock, Ark. Katy M urphree-Dothan, Ala. Aaron Murphy-Imboden. Ark. Zach Neal-Sherwood. Ark. Patricia Neff-Great Falls, Mont. Adam NeSbitt-Amarillo, Texas Katie N icho ls-Hoover. Ala. Cheryl Noble-Loveland, Colo. Melissa N ull-Tulsa. Okla. &nau chtrches prooide (mining, family atrnDB(Jhere Members and visito rs of the HoUy Springs Chu rch of Christ gather around the small build ing after a Sunday morning service. The church's weekly attendance more than quadrupled as a result of students who visited regularly. 128 People For many Hardingstudents, Sunday mornings consisred ofa short drive to a local con g regation where severa l hundred other students and local citizens attend on a weekly basis. However, for Alan Howell, junior. attending Sunday morning wo rship services at Griffithville C hurch ofChrist meanr anyth ing from organ izing the Bible cl ass to delivering a sermon. "Ir is a grear chance to get to know [he people of[he area," Howell said. "A lot of time wo rshiping in a larger congregation may seem JUSt like chapel. This is a change of pace and the opportunity to meer other people." Shannon Cooper, junior, has been mending [he Rosebud Church ofChrisr for rvvo years, and has enj oyed working with the local members. "At Rosebud, I gOt experi ence teaching, preaching and wo rking with the whole congregation," Cooper said. W hen Coope r began attending Rosebud, the congregation maintained a steady attendan ce of about 30 members. Three years later, m at number grew [0 about 100 people, with about 60 students who attended. " I have been going to G riffithville Church ofChrisr for [he pas[year," sa id Je nnifer Scism , senior. " I enj oy worshiping with a small group of my peers. It is near to watch each ocher grow in such an intimate setting." -Elizabeth R. Smith