1999-2000 Yearbook

Student Life / Diversity brings a welcome challenge \X7e are as diverse as snowflakes, each having our differences, yet having similar characteristics. \X7e come from around the world and bring a plethora of cultures and ideas with us. However, each of us has a goal set before liS, a mountain to climb. \X7e come ro Harding with intentions of getting a college degree, but more importantly, to establish a closer and deeper relationship with our Lord. Above: Susan Shird , senior, places her shoebox for the "Rudolph to Romania" proj ect on the Benson stage. This was one of many service projects students were involved in during the year. Left: Missy Allindes, sophomore, sketches a picture while sicting on the front lawn. Strangely enough, the diversity that separates us is ultimately the tie that binds us together from now through eternity. "We can reach the summit if we rely on God and use the relationships he has given us on this earth. " As we begin our climb, we often run into rough spots. Our bodies become fatigued, our minds grow weary and we may begin to slip, but before we know it, our friends are there to pull us up. This is what Harding is all about. During our years at Harding, we are involved in a number of activities. \X7hether it be a cleanup effort after a natural disaster, a smiling face to a visitor or a listening ear to someone in need, people see us as unique. No matter what we do or where we go, our love for one another and love for Christ always shines through. People see Jesus in us. Soon, often before we know it, we have reached the pinnacle. Our climb has been completed. However, there is always another mountain ahead. It is important to remember we will always have people to help us climb these mountains, no matter their height. \X7e can reach the summit ifwe rely on God and use the relationships he has given us on this earth. But remember, never petition God to go with you, rather, find out where He is going and travel with Him. By keeping this as the focus of our lives, no climb will ever be too great a challenge. - Eric Barnes, student life editor Student Life 9