1999-2000 Yearbook

Holheinz direc.ts Romeo andJuliet produc.tion Romeo, played by Aaron Brooks, sophomore, hugs Jul iet, played by Kimberly Holder, junior, during a production of Romeo andJuliet. The show was directed by Mario Hofheinz, junior, and produced solely by studenrs. David Gardner-Fort Wayne, Ind. Cary Garner-Rome, Ga. Jamie Geisser-Marianna, Ark. Patric ia Gerber-Casselberry, Fla. April Gillespie-Bartlett, T enn . Jeremy Gillson-Kary, Texas Jill G ilmore-Jackson, Tenn. Phillip Gisel-Independence, Mo. Nicolaus Gladfelter-Tabernacle, N.J. Stefanie Glenn-Fr. Worth, Texas Laura Goodman-Conway, Ark. Paul Gower-West Monroe, La. Charlotte Graham-Pocahontas, Ark.' David G raves-Springfield, Va. Heather G regg-Li ttle Rock, Ark. Rhonda Gregory-Ridgeway, s,c. Rob Gu ild-DeSoto , Texas H eather Gunter-Chicago, III. Katherine Gurr-Euless, Texas Becky Hackney-Middletown, Ohio Roger Hale-Minden, La. Adam Hall-Hot Springs Village, Ark. And rea Hall-Henderson, Tenn . Keith Hall-Mobile, Ala . Sara Hardes[),-Summerville, S.c. 124 People When the curtain rose on Harding's fall production ofWilliamShakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet, " it was a showcase for student theater productions. The enti re play, from the on-stage talent to the techn ical workers, was brought to the stage by Harding University students, according to Mario Hofheinz, director. "I am in awe of the cast and crew coming tOgether so successfully," he sai d. Hofheinz said he decided to do the play after seeing the movie "Shakespeare in Love. " "When I read the play [Romeo and juliet], 1 saw a different way of viewi ng the whole scrip t," he said. "1 wanted to do the script for its own sake and not for the legend it had become. " Under Hofheinz's direction , Heidi Cox, sen ior, said she was able to bener explore her character, Lady Montague. "It was an oppon unity to create a character almost entirely because there was so little dialogue," she said. Bringing the play to the stage required commitment and long practices, according to Hofheinz. .' "I don't think 1could be more proud of the people who made it happen," he said. "It turned out much greater than 1 had hopedwhen 1first began to conceive the idea." -Satah Terry