1999-2000 Yearbook

Katie Edwards-S(:arcy, Ark. Natalie Ennis-Franklin , T(:nn. Diana Estes- Pr(:scon, Ark. Amanda Evans-N(:bo, Ky. Bill Evans, I ll-Harl (:ysvillc, Pa. Erin Evans-K(:rrvill(:, T(:xas Sean Evans-Hutchinson, Kan. Amber Eversmeyer-Pocahonras, Ark. Kim Ewing-Br(:nrwood, T(:nn. Kelli Fager-Monricdlo, III . Paige Fairley-S(:arcy, Ark. " Josh Faris-Richardson, T(:xas Aleksander Fatu la-Bmvick, Pa. Shawn Fergason-Hartvi ll (:, Ohio Brandon Fergusson-Kingwood, Stephen Finley-S(:arcy, Ark. Candice Fisher-G(: rmanrown, T(:nn. Yolanda Flores-Dardandl(:, Ark. Kelly Forrest-Davi (:, Fla. J anet FOSter-Prairi(: Grov(:, Ark. Caren Frost-Woodhav(:n. Mich. Dilia Fuentes-Guat(:mala Rocio Fuentes-San Salvador, EI Salvador Bryan Gamble-Keithville. La. Cindy Gann-Searcy, Ark. Jolene Denn is, senior, teaches several Spring Si ng Ensemble hopefuls new steps forthe tryOuts. Nov. 15. Dennis was chosen in the fa11 to be one of the hostess fo r the 2000 show along with Shelly Lawson, sophomore. Ben Howe, senior. and Joe Yale. jun ior. In addition, ten men and wome n were chosen to back the hosts and hostesses as an ensemble. Spring Sing was one of the biggest annual attractions at Harding. Th is year marked the 27th anniversary of the event. Appropriately to the new millennium, this year's theme was "Once in a Lifetime." Along with the hosts, hostesses and ensemble. various social clubs also began putting their shows together early in the school year. Throughout the year, each ofthe competing groups of clubs were expected to meet deadlines for music, costumes and choreography in order to show progress well enough to be ready in time. Although preparation for the show began early first semester, regular practices did nOt commence until after Christmas break. Juniors 123