1999-2000 Yearbook

Colby Adams-Fayerreville. Ark. Charl ie Allen-Crowley. Texas Steve Allen -Jonesboro. Ark. Shawn Allred-Rudy, Ark. Krista Anderson-Wes[fork, Ark. Ma rie Anderson-Shelby, N.C. Tim Anderson-Hamilton, Ohio David Arencibia-Las Vegas, Nev. Steve Armitage-Sa[elite Beach, Fla: Doug Austin-Horatio, Ark. Melissa Austin-Lebanon. Mo. Reagan Baber-Searcy, Ark. Dav id Bagl ey-Mr. Pleasant , Texas David Baird-Searcy, Ark. Jacob Baker-Russellville, Ark. 120 People Juniors Photo by Eric Buna For the 1999-2000 school year the junior class elected Deborah Bone, secrerary/treasu rer; Rex Reeves, president; (nor pictured Steven Young, vice president; Jonathan Dismang, men's representative; Tia Tarole, women's representative). These five representatives and officers worked hard throughout the year. A lot of improvements were made (0 this year's Student Association in comparison (0 previous years, according to T arole. She said there was a larger sense of unity in the group and they set much bigger goals which in the end included a lor more people. "Just by go ing to the meetings I can teU how far we've come as a group. We are improving all of the time," Tarole said. "Brian Bush [S.A. president] is very organized and he has done so much for the student body. " At the beginning of the year the class officers, representat ives and S.A. officers attended a retreat at White County Medical Center to prepare for the upcoming school year. It gave the leaders a chance (0 bond as a group and plan for the new year. President David Burks, Terry Davis, assistant dean of students, Delo res Carson, assistant vice president for student services, and Bush spoke about leadership. "The officers learned abou r their individual leadersh ip styles as well as how to work with ochers who have different leadership styles," Davis sa id. "The retreat gave each of {he leaders an opportunity to learn how (0 handle the concerns of Harding's student body. "