1999-2000 Yearbook

Tara Douglas, sophomore, and Meredith Garrity, junior, talk with Kendall Hall desk worker Shawna Coulter, senior, on their way out to run errands. Many female students had the opportunity to make money during the year by working several hours each week at the front desks in girls dormitories. Desk workers kept busyduring their shift with various tasks including, answering the phone, signing guests in and out and other general office duties. However, when the work load was nOt so heavy, students found working the desk gave them a chance to make money whi le catching up on their homework. Any female student could apply to be a desk worker, but residential assistants were allowed the option of choosing w4,ether or nOt to sit the desk at all. If they chose to be a desk worker, they then were given first dibs on the number of hours and time of day they wished to work. Ofcourse, staying on task was nOt always easy when friends stopped by to chat. Troy Wol fe-Breckenridge, Texas. Business Management. Intercollegiate Athletics (BaseOO.ll). Dean's list. SAM. Lucy Wonders-Longview, Texas. General Sciem:.elChemistry. GeDanken Society. Campaigns (Finland) . Srudent Impacr. Zeta Rho. J aime WOOd-Killeen, Texas. Information Technology. Megan Wooldridge-chillicothe, Ohio. Mathematics Education. Dean's List. Kappa Ddta Pi. Campaigns (Scotland). Band. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. H eather Worchy-WaInur Creek, Calif. Family and Consumer Science Education. International Studies (Australia). Imramurals. Club Queen. Student Impact . Ju Go J,- Calvin Wright-Augusta, Ark. Human Resources. Dean's List. Intramurals. Mick Wright-Des Moines, Iowa. English. Sigma Tau Ddta. Film Studies. Bison Staff. Dean's List. Betsy Wyatt-st. Louis, Mo. Elem. and Special Ed. Council for Exceptional Children. Dean's List. Imramurals. Kappa Ddta Pi. Class Officer . GATA. Tiffany YeCke-Ches terfidd, Va. English/Theatre. American Studies. Honors Association. International Studies (HUG). Sigma Tau Ddta. Regina. Stephanie Young-Lincoln, Neb. Comm. Disorders. University Chorus. BeUes and Beaux. Dean's List. Campaigns (Soodand). Regina. W illie YOung-Memphis, Tenn. Economics/Business Management. Club Beau. Campaigns Oamaica, Denver). lntramurals. Ddta Mu Ddta. Dean's List. Alpha Tau Epsilon. Erin Zedli tz-White River Junction, Vt. Accounting. Accounting Society. Band. GeDanken Society. Concert Choir. Dean's List. Ddta Mu Ddta. Seniors 119