1999-2000 Yearbook

UpperclassmenjDin the fun Dfpledging a club A few of Ko }o Ka i's upperclassmen inductees pose for a snapshot during Commitmenr week. A large portion of many cl ubs' new members were upperclassmen this year. M e lissa Titde- Mesquite, Texas. M.uhematics. Kappa Delt3 Pi. JOY. Dean's List. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. Vanessa Toler-Bald Knob, Ark. Public Accounting. Dean's LiSt. Honor's Associat ion. DeAnne Tonnessen - Pace, Fl a. Elementary Education. Transfer (Arkansas State University-Beebe). Campaigns (Austral ia). Chi Omega Pi. Mario T orreS-Guaterru.b.City, Guatc:mala. Computer Infonnauon Systems.. Arkansas IntercoUegiate Programming Contest:. J o seph T oye-Warren, Mich. Exercise Science. Club Beau. lntramurals. SAC. College Republicans. Chi Sigma Alpha. April T raViS-N:.lShvill e. Tenn. Human Resources. SHRM. Student Impact. Campaigns (Scotland). Campus Ministry. R.A. Zeta Rho. Eryn T ribble.&nl=ill" Okb. P.,-<hologyfH~ Raow=. ForensicsTeam. Psi Chi. Don's I...i.st. SHRM. Circle K Mona Trickey-Sherwood, Ark. General Studies. Honors Assoc. Circle K Alpha Chi . International Studies (HUF). AmeriCUI Studies. James Turk-Chantill y, Va. Public Accounting. Dean 's List. Accounting Society. Club Beau. Pi Kappl Epsilon. Jami UthOff-Indepcndence, Iowa. Management Accounting. Campaigns (Italy). Di ane Vacogiannis-Rochester, N.Y. Athletic Training. Campaigns (Honduras). Ju Go Ju. D e nnis Van Erp-Asten, Nethe rl ands. Accounting/Bible. Campaigns (New Zealand). Dean's List. lntramurals. SAM. Delta Chi Delt3. Carlos V elaSCO-San Salvador, El SalV1ldor. Commun ication and Business Management. Dean's List. Maria VelaSco-San Salvador, EI Salvador. Management and International Business. Alpha Chi. American Studies. Dean's List. Delta Mu Del ta. EI izab eth V elasq UeZ-Panama City. Panama. Computer Information Systems.. Circle K Imramw-als.. Campaigns (Guatemala). Brian Verdier-St. Louis, Mo. Management. Transfer (York ~).TNT. 116 People Pl edging a club is a memorable experience that most students choose to have when [hey are freshmen. However, there are some students who decided to hold off on joining a club. Katie Rucker a junior who pledged Zeta Rho. was one of those students. "I decided not to pledge my freshman yea r because I know that iswhen all the clubs put on their best face for the freshman. I wanted to get to know the different clubs better and see what they were really all about," Rucker said. Women wefe nOt the only upperclassmen who joined in on [he pledge fun. Shannon Powell is a fift h year senior who pledged Sub-T16. "I didn 't pledge as a freshmen because I wasn't here. Powell said. "I transferred here from Freed H ardman when I was a junlOr." When upperclassmen pledged clubs wi th freshman , the age differe n ce was som e times too diffic ul t to overcome. Fo r freshman, the whole idea of pledge week was new and exciting. U pperclassman, however , just wamed to get it ove r with. There were advantages and disadvantages to theolder pledges, according to Meredith Garrity, junior member ofKo Jo Kai. ,"Things were n ' [ as new to m e as they werefor them [freshman pledgesl,"Garrity said. "Our focus was differenr. I did n Ot h ave ahard t imegetting close to m y p ledge class. We helped each other get through the week while we m a d e lasting m emories of pledging a cl ub." -Ginger Wi lson