1999-2000 Yearbook

J enni fer Stewart-Midland, Mich. Nursing. Campaigns (Nigeria). Dean's List. HSNA Student Impact. T ri Kappa. S h erry Stidha m -Bradford, Ark. Nursing. Transfer (Arkansas State Unive rsity-Beebe). Alpha Chi . Sigma Theta Tau. Honors Associadon. Dean's List. HSNA. Donnie Stover-Memphis, Tenn. PsychologyNocational Minisuy. Who's Who. Intercollegiate Athletics (Cross Country). dub Beau. SA Oass Representative. Alpha Chi. Tit:mS. J enillfer Stowe-Montgomery, Ala. Elementary Education. Inuamura/s. International Studies (HUF) . Zeta Rho. Amanda S trine-Duncan, S.c. Elementary and Special Ed. Council For Exceptional Children (President). Kappa Della Pi. RA Campaigru (New Zcaland). JOY. Zeta Rho. Missy Suggs-Gainesville, Fia. Elem. Ed. Thearron. International Studies (HUF). Dean's List. Student Impact. Youth Corps. Delta Garruna Rho. F oredy Supratman-Jak-Bar, Indonesia. Bible/Ministry. Christina);windl e-O'Fal lon, Mo. Elemenrary and Kindergarten Education. Chi Omega Pi. Erik Swindle-Sherwood, Ark. Health Care Management . ACHE. Dean's1-ist. Pi Kappa Epsilon. Albert Tabut-Kapsabet, Kenya. Management. Transfer (Ouachita University) . Intercollegiate Athletics (Track and Cross Country). SAM. Bre nt T anner-CoppeJl, Texas. Health Care Management. Inr ramurals. Intercollegiate Athletics (Baseball). Barristers. SAM. ACHE. College Republicans . Pi Kappa Epsilon. Teresa Tate -Jackson, Term. Fashion Merchandising. Dean's List. American Society of Interior Design . Pi Sigma Epsi lon . Ko}o Kai. Carrissa Tharp-Floral, Ark. Elementary Education . Transfer (University of Central Arkansas) . Kappa Delta Pi . G reg The tford -Jonesboro,Ark. Marketing. Transfer (Arkansas State). American MarkeringAssociation. SAM. TNT. John Thompson-McCrory, Ark. Public Administration. Dean's List. Barristers. Frank Thurman, Jr.-Memphis, Tenn . Public Accounting. Dean's List. Campaigns (St. Louis). Accounting Socie[),. Inuamurals. Students for Life. Knights (Treasurer). Joe Drieling, Amanda Lit tlefield , Eric H anes and Katie J oellenbeck, sophomores, laugh together as they take a stroll through the center of campus. The front lawn was a major thoroughfare that encompassed a number of academic buildings and several dormitories. This area of campus offered srudents not only a place to social ize between classes, but had a number of other uses. On sunny days, students could be found study ing in the shade , taking a nap, tanning in the sun or playing a game of ultimate frisbee on the grass. During J an ua ry's snowfa ll , the lawn became a major gathering place for the building of snowmen , football games and coundess snowba ll fights. The lawn also provided a spot for organized events during the yea r including the Student Associati on 's (S.A.) Watermelon Parry. (wo S.A. movies and the occasional Aramark pi cnic. T he lawn , as well as the rest of campus', was kept up by a number of groundskeepe rs throughout the year. Seniors 115