1999-2000 Yearbook

Melissa Sain-Manphis, Tenn. Comm. Disorden. Interc:olkgi.lte Athlc:rics (VoUc:ybalI). Dean's List. Phi E.a. Sigma. SSHA c.m"",," (Afua). Ivey SanderS-Conway, Ark. Accounting. Ujima. JOY. Sandy Sanford-Billingsley, Ala. Communication Disorders. Dean's List. Jeremy Sanzone-Wolcott, Conn. Mass Communications M:magement. TV-16. Alpha Tau Epsilon. N icole Sargem -Auron., Colo. Nursing. Tn.nsfer (Abilene Christian University). Campaigns (Nigeria). HSNA. Dean's Lin. Ko Jo Kai. Mi chelle SaSSO-Guatanala City, Guatemala. Mamgement/ I,ntem.1lional Business.Oem's List. AmeriC:tIl MarkecingAssociauon. Amber Sawyer-Longmont, Colo. Chemistry/Math. Alpha Chi. International Studies {HUF}. Oub Queen. GeDanken Society. Dean'sList. Campaigns (Afiic:a). Ko Jo Kai. Cheri Scharff-Spartanburg, S.c. Psychology. Intercollegiate Athletics (Cross Country, Tr:ack). Psi Chi. JOY. Dean's List. American Studies. Ju Go ju. M endi Schmitz-West Memphis, Tenn. Child Development. Cheerleader. Club Quc:<:n. Delta Gamma Rho. Lisa Schneider-Canton, Ohio. Social Work. Dean's List. Social WorkClub. Campaigns (Guyana, Venezuela). Kimberly Schweikhard-Shawnee, Okla. Social Work. National Dean's List. Social Work Club. Inlramurals. Students fo r Life. College Republicans. SCOt[ Schwerdy-san Diego, Calif.lWio mdTV. TV-16. KHCA Staff. Alpha Epsilon Rho.Dean's List. Alpha Tau Epsilon. Brian Schwieger-Nastwllk,Tenn. Social Sci=. Intc:mauonal Studies (HUF). Dean's LisI:. Gub Beau. Campaigns (NewOrieans,Jamaia). Phi Alph2 Theta. Pi I<3ppa Epsilon. Eric Schwieter-Orchard Park, N.Y. Graphic Design. Dean's List. Kappa Pi. Student Impact. SAC. Red Brick Studios. Delta Chi Delta. Michael ScifreS-Hamlin, Texas. Nursing. Concert Choir. HSNA. Chi Sigma Alpha. Jenni fe r Scism-Dexter, Mo. An Education. Intc:mational Studies (HUF). Campaigns (New Zealand). Ju Go]o. lack offunds doesn f mean lack offun for students 112 A crowd of students glance at thei r tickets to see if they have won a prize at Midnight Madness, Ocr. 14. Wich (he lack of funds. many scudents curned to campus act ivit ies such as SPOrtS events fo r weekend entertai nment. People The tests are over, the papers are turned in and the weekend has finall y arrived . Butwhen you open your wallet , you see only a worn dollar bill and a few coins . Your credit cards are maxed out and you wince when you look at the balance in your checking accoum. In your fin anciaJiy strapped state, howwill you entertain yourself for the weekend? Studem s d iscovered a number of creative solut ions to this p roblem. When studems sought traditional sources of encerrainmem at low COSt, many turned to Searcy Cinema 5. Every Tuesday night, the theater reduced the price of movie tickets to $3, and some groups made it a weekly outing. " It starred my sophomore year," Tia T arole, jun ior. said. "Four or five of us thought it would be fun to go, and since men our group has really expanded. Part ofthe enten ai nmem was simply getting to the theater. "We meet for dinner in the cafeteri a and men go pick up people who need rides," Ta role said. "My T ercel is supposed to seat four, but we've gotten nine people in it before. People were packed into the backseat , and there were two people in the trunk. " Wi th a little creativity, students fo und diversion in unexpected places, turn ing nontraditional locations into their own personal playgrounds. "I pack my sui temates in the car and we go (0 Wal-Mart," Emily Jackson, freshman, said. "We play hide-and-seek in W al-Mart. We' re so broke, tha t's all we have to do." -Sara H ardesry