1999-2000 Yearbook

Chad Hughes and Emily Shorr, sopho~ mores, enjoy the arrworkofDana Maling, graphic design major, during his senior arr show reception , Ocr. 24. Throughout the year, srudents were able to visit the galleries and view the am'Vork of current srudents, Harding alumni and guest art~ iSIS. Every art srudent presents his or her arrwork in the gallery as a graduate re~ quirement of the art department. Often cimes this show becomes the zenith of a srudent 's college career because it exhibits nOt only the artise's talent, but the years of work spent to compile what is for many their first professional art show. "It was one of the best educational experiences I have had at Harding," Malingsaid. " It really pushed me into developing my ar.Jwork. " He said his senior art show ofTered him not only an artistic outlet, bur a personal sense of sa tisfaction as well. "~ I was in awe of this opportunity to have my own space and to share my thoughts and ideas with family and friends," he said. Tammy R eese -Austin, Texas. Nursing. Campaigns (Asia, Africa, Europe). Dactylology. HSNA. Alphl Chi . Honors Association. J ennifer Reininger-Shelocta, Pa. Nursing. HSNA. Honors Association . Delta Gamma Rho. Joel R eynolds-Dundas, Ontario, Canada. An. Transfer (Pensacola Christian College). Dean's List. Michael Rhinehart-Steding Heights, Mich. Psychology. T ransfer (Ferris State Un iversity) . Dean's List. Psi Chi. Who's Who. Inter Club Council Officer. Alpha Tau Epsilon (President). Melanie Richardson-Mobile, Ala. Communication Disorders. Circle K. SSHA. Heather RobertS-Gifford, Ill. Elementary Education. Dean's List. Club Queen. Cheerleader. Delta Gamma Rho. Christine Rode n -Parkersburg, W.V. Psychology. Psi Chi. SA Committee. Campaigns (New Zealand). International Studies (HUG). Dean's List. Shamih. Romaira Rodriquez-Anzoategui, Venezuela. Marketing. Campaigns (Spring Break). Intramurals. American Advertising Federation. Pi Sigma Epsilon. Tania Rojas-Adamida, Honduras. Imernational Business and Management. SAM. Delta Mu Delta. Dean's List. American Marketing Association. Phi Eta Sigma. Leah Romine- Hermitage, Tenn. Psychology. Belles and Beaux. Psi Chi. ConCert Choir. Campaigns (Venezuela). Kappa Gamma Epsilon. Denise Roof-White Bear lake, Minn. Interior DesignlArt. Dean's list. Band. American Society oHmerior Design. Rc:gina. El izabeth Root-Antioch, Tenn. Nursing. University Chorus. Club Queen. Campaigns (Russia, Haiti) . Dean' s List. HSNA. Shantih. Gena Rouse-Goldsboro, N.C. Exercise Science. Intercollegiate Athletics (Soccer). Who's Who. Marrin Rowe-parngould,Ark. EnglishlBibJical Languages. HonorsAssociation. Alpha Chi . Sigma Tau Delta International Studies (HUF). Camp.1.igns (Hungary, Chictgo). TIIT. Danie lle Rubin-Alamo, Calif Spanish/Child Development. Transrer (University ofCalifornia-Davis). Campaigns (Venauda, . Mexico) . Coneen Choir. Dean's Ust. Intra.murals. Regina Jenny Ruhl -Munroe Falls, Ohio. An Education. Club Queen (Knights). Srndent lmpaa. Chi Omega Pi. Seniors 111