1999-2000 Yearbook

Endri Baduni , a freshman from Albania, rides a horse with the assistance of Dr. Tim Baird's son, Danny. Baduni stayed with the Baird fam ily over Thanksgiving break. Brent M illspaugh-Greentown, Ind. Accounting. Accounting Society. Club Be:tu. Titans. Angela Minella-Cedar Hill, Texas. Business Management. JOY. Intramurals. Theta Beta Kappa. Rachel Mitchusson-Jackson, Tenn. Health Care Man:tgement. International Studies (HUF). Campaigns (New York). AHEA. Ju Go Ju. Mami Miyamoto-Hitaehi. IbaJaki,Japan. lmcmational Business. Zeta Rho. Joseph Mize-Batcsville,Ark. Management. Omq? Sigma. Clay Moody-Salem, Mo. Kinesiology. Intramurals. Imercollegim: Athletics (Baseball, Studem Assistant). Chi Sigma Alpha. Ernie Moore-~arcy. Ark. Sports Management. College Republicans. Kappa Sigma Kappa. Will iam Moore-Conway. N.H. Kinesiology. Intramur:tls. Club Beau. Sub T-16. Ed MosbY-Searcy, Ark. BibleJHis(ory. Dean's List. Campaigns (Brali l, Arkansas). HSBS. April Mouser-Colorado Springs, Colo. Print Journalisml Spanish. Bison Staff. Campaigns (Venez.ueia). Dean's List. Honors Association. JOY. Spanish Club. Lyle Mullican-Channelview, Texas. Graphic Design. Red Brick Studio. Am. Studies. De.lII's uSt. Alpha Tau Ep5ilon. Bryce Murray-Claremore, Okla. Biochemistry. Club Beau. American Studies. Alpha Chi. Honors Associa tion. Dean's List. Chi Sigma Alpha. Amanda MyerS-Star, Min. Interior Design/Familyand Consumer Science. American Society of tnterior Design. AAFCS. R.A. Dean's List. Ju Go Ju. Rachel Myhan-Se:ucy, Ark. Elern. Ed. Concert Choir. Dean's USt. SpringSingEnsem. Kappa Delta Pi. Studellt Impact. Zeta Rho. Chris Nance-Memphis, Tenn. Public Accounting.Accounting Society. Dean's List. Incr.unurols. College &publicllls. Pi Sigma Epsilon. Pi Kappa Ep5ilon. Stacey Neal-Wahiawa, Ha....':tii. Elementary Education. Oub Queen.Homecoming Royalty. Dean's List. Students for Life. Student Impact. Campaigns (Houston). Shamih. 108 People Going home for Thanksgiving is a long awaited breakfrom classes. Students get the chance tQescape the four walls of a dorm room and head to their home state. Butwhar iffor some reason youweren 't able ro go home? No mom and dad. no left-over turkey, no comfortable bed. There are some students who faced these questions concerning their holiday break. Forwhatever reason , theywere nOt fortunate enough to go home fo r Thanksgiving. However, theOffice ofResidence Life helpd thosestudentswhowere "homeless" for theweek. The students left their name in the office in hopes that a fellow student or faculty member would be gracious enough to take them in. TylerMadock, sophomore, and Endri Baduni, freshman,were [wo srudenrs who found themselves "homeless" for the holiday. "The main reason I couldn' t go home is because I didn 't have the money to fl y back [Q San Diego," Madock said. Baduni also found that a plane ticket was too expensive for him to go home. "Being fromAlbania, I knew therewas no way I could afford to leave," he said. While these students could not go home for Thanksgiving, they were nOt "h'omeless." Endri lived with Dr. Jim Baird's F.unily fortheweekwhileMadock spent Thanksgiving wi th his girlfriend's fami ly. Thanks [Q the giving heart of several members of the Harding communi ty, everyone was able to have a nice vacation. -Ginger Wilson