1999-2000 Yearbook

John Bob McFarland-Keokuk, Iowa. Kinesiology unification (Cooching Endorsement). Transfer (York College). Rachel McFarland-Newnan, Ga. Nursing. Campaigns (Scotland). HSNA. Student Impaet. R.A. Studenrs for Life. Shantih. ] eff McKeand-Panama City, Fla. Print Journalism. Concert Choi r. Bison Staff. Campaigns (Denver). Belles and Beaux. Delta Chi Delta. Jenna McKinney-columbus, Ga. Exercise Science. Campaigns (Honduras).lmramurals. Ko Jo Kai (Athletic Director). Rabecca Mclain-Searcy, Ark. Vocal Music (Performance). Campaigns (Russi:l, Belgium). Good News Singers. Concert Choir. JOY. American Choral Directors. Justin McMahon-Springfield, Mo. Business Management. Transfer (Baylor University). Intercollegiate Athletics. Titans. Mark McMasterS-Arkadelphia, Ark. Biochemistry. International (HUF). Club Beau. Alpha Chi. Dean's Lise. GeDanken Society. Delta Chi Delta. April M~eker-Pendleton, Ind. Nursing. HSNA. Intr:lmurals. T ri Kappa. Katie Meeks-Albany, N.Y. International Businessl French. Campaigns (Scotland). Dean's List. Regina. Johann Melgar - San Pedro Sula, Honduras. M:lnagementllntcrnational Business. Jodi Menges-Trenton, Mich. Interior Merchandising. Transfer (Lipscomb Uni\·ersity). American Society of Interior Design. Dean's List. Inuamurals. Campaigns Oamaica). Jill Merri tt-Mt. Bethel, Pa. Steve Mezzapelle-Deny, N.H. Eke:. Mcd.ialVoc:u:ional Ministry. Alpha Epsilon Rho. Campaigru (Orlando, Houston). Dean's List. KHCA SI::lff: Who's Who. Dli SignuAipha. J ason Middle k auff-Greencastle. Pa. English. Alpha Chi. American Swdies. Sigma Tau Delta. Honors Association. Dean's List . Chi Sigma Alphl. C lay M idyett-Germantown, Tenn. Biology. Devita. International Srudies (HUF). IncramUr:l!s. Gub Beau. Timns. J e nnife r M iller-Searcy, Ark. Nursing. Campaigns (Australia, Haiti, Africa). Alphl Chi. Sigml Theta Tau. American Studies. HSNA. Nationll Deln's List. Dawn McCann and Robert Sebesta, junior members of t he band living stones, entertain a crowd during the band 's performance in [he Old Record ing Studio lasr fall. The band, which performed a number of concerts dur ing rhe year on campus and at Midnight Oil, released their first CD, "View from here, " last yea r and have plans to make another album in the near future. According to McCann, Sebes ta and fellow band member, Brandon Boneau, junior, wri te all of the music and lyri cs. The band is maki ng plans to go on the road and tour several southern states in an effort to promote their current CD. "It is amaz.- ing to see t he progress the band has made in the past year," Boneau said. "We are excited about the possib ilities [ha r are arisi ng from [he release of our CD." Besides Boneau and Sebesta, the band consists of Ryan Crisler, drummer; Ray Rawl ey, bass playe r; Colleen O'Conne ll , viol ini st; and Erin Rembleski , backup vocalist. Seniors 107